Image Uploading And Resizing

They have: 10 posts

Joined: Feb 2004

im needing a script that uploads an image to a certain directory than say copies a thunmbnail version of the image in the thumbs directory.


= \"/home/swimtige/public_html/img/pics/\"; // Path to full image folder

if (move_uploaded_file(
$_FILES[\"userfile\"][\"tmp_name\"], $uploaddir . $_FILES[\"userfile\"][\"name\"]))


// Move the original uploaded file to the pics directory

$picture = $uploaddir . $_FILES[\"userfile\"][\"name\"]; // /home/swimtige/public_html/img/pics/pic.jpg
$picture_name = $_FILES[\"userfile\"][\"name\"]; // pic.jpg
// Set a few variables

$size = getimagesize(\"$picture\");
$width = $size[0];
$height = $size[1]; // Find out the height and width attriutes of image
$newHeight = 100;
$newWidth = 100; // Set the new height and width of thumbnail

$oldimage = ImageCreateFromJPEG(\"$picture\");
$newimage = ImageCreateTrueColor($newWidth,$newHeight);

// Thumbnail picture is created in /upload/ dir

$picture_name, \"/home/swimtige/public_html/img/thumbs/$picture_name\");
// So move it to /thumbnail/ dir

// Delete the useless thumbnail in /upload/ dir


else {
echo \"Image upload failed!\";

i used the above php script but this returns the error message
"Fatal error: imagecreatetruecolor(): requires GD 2.0 or later in /home/......./ting.php on line 15" how do i solve this problem.

Suzanne's picture

She has: 5,507 posts

Joined: Feb 2000

Install GD? Or if it's installed, change the pointer so the script knows where it is?

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Joined: Feb 2002

ok number one, it looks like the script I gave you, so there's a few things

#1- your path is set as ones that it looks like i forgot to take out
change /home/swimtige/public_html to whatever the path is to your site, all 3 times it occurs
#2- make sure your folders are setup as they are in the script, or edit the script to match your folder system

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Joined: Feb 2004

all the paths on the proper script are set correctly, i guess i cant install GD myself so ive asked my host what version of GD they have its V1.6.2 does this sound right?? there a script that will do the job that i can run using GD 1.6.2

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Joined: Feb 2002

the paths are obviously NOT set correctly because home/swimtige/public_html is what my server is, and unless you have the same domain name, with the same account name, I guaruntee that is wrong

They have: 10 posts

Joined: Feb 2004

sorry for misleading you i meant the paths are deffinatly correct, on the proper script i am running on my server, the script i posted above was the orignal taken from one of your earlier posts i believe

He has: 1,380 posts

Joined: Feb 2002

then post the correct one

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