i'm trying to make a simple script - review and help please

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ok, all i'm trying to do is write a script that will record an ip then write over that ip when another one comes in


$ip = "path to file";
#path of ip log file


# Gets the input

#enter the correct path or variable, writes over
open (LOG, ">$ip");

# prints ip on file
print LOG "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}";

# closes file so it can't be read and written at same time
close (LOG);

#believe this ends script

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ok, i've added some stuff. what i'm try to do is record the last ip. then if the new ip is the same as the last one they get redirect to page 1 and if the ip's are differ they get redirected to page 2. all i seem to be able to do no matter if the ip is the same or differ is redirect to $differ. any help would be appreciated.


$ip = "path";
#path of ip log file

$same = "sameipredirect";
# url if same ip

$differ = "differipredirect";
# url if differ ip


#enter the correct path or variable, opens file
open (LOG, "$ip");

if ($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} == @ip) {

# closes file so it can't be read and written at same time
close (LOG);

# redirects to same ip page
print "Location: $same\n\n";

} else {

# closes file so it can't be read and written at same time
close (LOG);

#enter the correct path or variable, writes over
open (LOG, ">$ip");

# prints ip on file
print LOG "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}";

# closes file so it can't be read and written at same time
close (LOG);

# redirects to differ ip page
print "Location: $differ\n\n";


#believe this ends script

Traffic-Website.com free traffic, affiliate programs, hosting, & domain names.
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well, i think i figured it out. could you check over it and let me know if it's gonna blow my computer up or if it can be optimized?

thanks in advance


$ipfile = "pathtologfile";
#path of ip log file

$same = "sameipurl";
# url if same ip

$differ = "differipurl";
# url if differ ip

#enter the correct path or variable, opens file
open (LOG, "$ipfile");

$ip = <LOG>;

if ($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} eq $ip) {

# closes file so it can't be read and written at same time
close (LOG);

# redirects to same ip page
print "Location: $same\n\n";

} else {

# closes file so it can't be read and written at same time
close (LOG);

#enter the correct path or variable, writes over
open (LOG, ">$ipfile");

# prints ip on file
print LOG "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}";

# closes file so it can't be read and written at same time
close (LOG);

# redirects to differ ip page
print "Location: $differ?$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}\n\n";


#believe this ends script

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