I need help

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Joined: Jun 1999


I am wanting to start a network at my site. I am not sure what computer language it would be best written in, but I am assuming cgi. What I want to do is have a pulldown menu on all the sites that are in the network. I want to beable to easily add sites to the network and have it update all the pulldown menu on all the other network sites. I am sure this is possible, could someone tell me where I could get a script that would be able to do this?


Chris Roane

Web Site Resource - http://www.wsresource.com/

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Joined: Jun 2000

CGI isn't a programming language, it's the Common Gateway Interface. Allows interaction between users and servers in a fuller way. CGI scripts can be programmed in pretty much any programming language, as in Perl, C, C++, Basic, and others. You might want to take a look at http://www.cgi-resources.com for a script that fills your requirements.

Rob Radez

They have: 850 posts

Joined: Jul 1999

Seems like an interesting script you need. I will try and work on one when I get some time. Can't promise I can do it though so keep looking.

Due to precipitation, for a few weeks K2 is bigger than Mount Everest.

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OK, came up with a script. Hope it suits your needs.

Each site that is part of the network just places:
<script src="url.com/to/dropdown.cgi"></script>

You can view a test of the script at http://dlo.net/~rob/cgi-bin/dropdown.shtml

You can see how the links are stored in the text file at http://dlo.net/~rob/cgi-bin/links.txt

And you can download the source at http://dlo.net/~rob/cgi-bin/dropdown.zip

Hope that helps

Due to precipitation, for a few weeks K2 is bigger than Mount Everest.

[This message has been edited by robp (edited 12 February 2000).]

They have: 14 posts

Joined: Jun 1999


Thank you so much Robp. I really appreciate the time you have spent to do this. I have one question though. Would this script work with like links too?


Chris Roane

They have: 850 posts

Joined: Jul 1999


#To execute this from a site just use
#<script src="http://url.com/to/name_of_script.cgi"></script>
$name_of_file = "links.txt";
while(<IN> )
	$url =~s/\n//g;
	$name =~s/\n//g;

foreach $url (@urls)
	$site = "<a href=\"$urls[$num]\">$names[$num]<\/a>";
print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
print "document.write(\'";

foreach $site (@sites)
	print $site;
print "\');";

That should work, I tested it and it worked fine.

Due to precipitation, for a few weeks K2 is bigger than Mount Everest. 

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Joined: Jul 1999

I thought Patrick would have installed Stefen's [ CODE ] hack by now? It has been a few months since the first request for it to be put back on? It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes....

Due to precipitation, for a few weeks K2 is bigger than Mount Everest.

They have: 14 posts

Joined: Jun 1999


Thanks for all your help!

My network is all setup. You can go check it out at http://www.wsresource.com/network/index.html


Chris Roane

They have: 14 posts

Joined: Jun 1999


That script that you created for me, does not show up at all in Netscape. Is there a way you could make it compatible with both browsers?


Chris Roane

They have: 850 posts

Joined: Jul 1999

Oops, a dumb mistake of mine. I left a few lines of code that were being printed that shouldn't have been.

The source for the updated version is at http://www.dlo.net/~rob/cgi-bin/dropdown.txt

I tested it on my version of netscape and it worked fine.

Windmills always turn counter-clockwise. Except for the windmills in Ireland.

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