extension changed??

They have: 164 posts

Joined: Nov 2001

why the extension of the image changed when i upload??
my code:

= substr($re_image, -3, 3);
$path = \"../template/imga/\";
$filename = \"img\".$category_ID.\".\".$ext;
$image = $path.$filename;
$re_image, $image);

the extension of the image suppose to be jpg or gif...but it changed to other extensions...

if i used copy instead of move_uploaded_file, then the extension will remains jpg or gif...why will it happend??

They have: 164 posts

Joined: Nov 2001

got it solved..just need to change this line:

= substr($re_image, -3, 3);


= substr($re_image_name, -3, 3);

then i can get the original file name.

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