Difference between two dates and times
I am having trouble modifying this script to display the difference between two times. Do you guys see anything wrong?
function elapsed($eyear, $emonth, $eday, $ehour, $eminute, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute) {
$years = $year - $eyear;
if ($years < 1) $yearWord = '';
elseif ($years == 1) $yearWord = 'year,';
elseif ($years > 1) $yearWord = 'years,';
if ($month > $emonth) {
if ($day < $eday) $months = $month - $emonth -1;
else $months = $month - $emonth;
} else {
$between = $emonth - $month;
$plus = 12 - $emonth;
if ($day < $eday) $months = $emonth + $plus - $between -1;
else $months = $emonth + $plus - $between;
if ($months == 1) $monthWord = 'month,';
elseif ($months > 1) $monthWord = 'months,';
if ($day > $eday) {
if ($hour < $ehour) $days = $day - $eday -1;
else $days = $day - $eday;
} else {
$between = $eday - $day;
$daysToEndOfMonth = $day - $eday;
if ($day == 28) $plus = $daysToEndOfMonth;
if ($day == 29) $plus = $daysToEndOfMonth;
if ($day == 30) $plus = $daysToEndOfMonth;
if ($day == 31) $plus = $daysToEndOfMonth;
if ($hour < $ehour) $days = $eday + $plus - $between - 1;
else $days = $eday + $plus - $between;
if ($days == 1) $dayWord = 'day,';
else $dayWord = 'days,';
if ($hour > $ehour) {
if ($minute < $eminute) $hours = $hour - $ehour - 1;
else $hours = $hour - $ehour;
} else {
$between = $ehour - $hour;
$plus = 24 - $ehour;
if ($minute < $eminute) $hours = $ehour + $plus - $between - 1;
else $hours = $ehour + $plus - $between;
if ($hours == 1) $hourWord = 'hour,';
if ($hours > 1) $hourWord = 'hours,';
if ($minute > $eminute) {
$minutes = $minute - $eminute;
} else {
$between = $eminute - $minute;
$plus = 60 - $eminute;
$minutes = $eminute + $plus - $between;
if ($minutes == 60) $minutes = 0;
if ($minutes == 1) $minuteWord = 'minute';
elseif ($minutes > 1) $minuteWord = 'minutes';
if ($years == 0) { $years = ''; $yearWord = ''; }
if ($months == 0) { $months = ''; $monthWord = ''; }
if ($days == 0) { $days = ''; $dayWord = ''; }
if ($hours == 0) { $hours = ''; $hourWord = ''; }
if ($minutes == 0) { $minutes = ''; $minuteWord = ''; }
echo $years.' '.$yearWord.' '.$months.' '.$monthWord.' '.$days.' '.$dayWord.' '.$hours.' '.$hourWord.' '.$minutes.' '.$minuteWord.'';
jjinno posted this at 00:56 — 3rd August 2005.
They have: 18 posts
Joined: Jul 2004
what language are you trying for... PHP??
yktan posted this at 01:45 — 11th August 2005.
They have: 3 posts
Joined: Aug 2005
Yeap definitely php
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