Creating Images with PHP

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My webhost has the GD librarys and I'm trying to create an image with some text.

I want $text to be in the image and the size of the image to be however long the text is. How would I do this? $text will be different sizes every time the script is executed.

Mark Hensler's picture

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Joined: Aug 2000

Is this SiC from G4B2S?

Zend has a good article on using the PHP GD library here:

I altered a script I wrote a while ago. I just tested it on linux with PHP 4.3.0 & Apache 2.

// Author: Mark Hensler

// size of font
$textSize       = 2;

// pixels between lines of text
$textGutter     = 0;

// paddings around text
// between text and border
$paddingBottom  = 4;
$paddingLeft    = 4;
$paddingRight   = 4;
$paddingTop     = 4;

// margins around image
// between border and image outer edge
$marginBottom   = 2;
$marginLeft     = 2;
$marginRight    = 2;
$marginTop      = 2;

// text to print
$message[] = \"Mark Hensler - \\"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.\\"\";
$message[] = \"[\\"Max Albert\\"] [Email] [ICQ]\";

// pick a color scheme
// 1 = grayblack on white
// 2 = white on blue
$colorscheme = 2;

//                                DO NO EDIT BELOW                            //

// find the longest line
$max_length = 0;
foreach (
$message as $line) {
    if (strlen(
$line) > $max_length) {
$max_length = strlen($line);

// size of font
$textHeight     = imageFontHeight($textSize);
$textWidth      = imageFontWidth($textSize);

// find the message demensions:
$textboxHeight  = (count($message) * ($textHeight)) + ((count($message)-1) * $textGutter) + ($paddingBottom + $paddingTop);
$textboxWidth   = ($max_length * $textWidth) + ($paddingLeft + $paddingRight);

// actual size of created image will varry (based on font size, margins, paddings, and textbox size)
// ...and the total is:
$imgHeight      = $marginTop + $textboxHeight + $marginBottom + 1;
$imgWidth       = $marginLeft + $textboxWidth + $marginRight + 1;

// now we make the image
$image = imageCreate ($imgWidth, $imgHeight);

// load the color scheme (RGB 0-255)
switch (
$colorscheme) {
    case 2:
        //scheme2   (white on blue)
$colorBG        = imagecolorallocate ($image, 0, 0, 200);
$colorBorder    = imagecolorallocate ($image, 150, 200, 255);
$colorText      = imagecolorallocate ($image, 255, 255, 255);
    case 1:
        //scheme1   (grayblack on white)
$colorBG        = imagecolorallocate ($image, 255, 255, 255);
$colorBorder    = imagecolorallocate ($image, 50, 50, 50);
$colorText      = imagecolorallocate ($image, 0, 0, 0);

// draw background
$image, 0, 0, ($imgWidth - 1), ($imgHeight - 1), $colorBG);

// draw the text
for (
$i=0; $i<count($message); $i++) {
    imageString (
$image, $textSize, ($marginLeft + $paddingLeft + 1), ($marginTop + $paddingTop - $textHeight + (($i+1) * ($textHeight) + ($i * $textGutter))), $message[$i], $colorText);

// draw a box around the image
$image, $marginLeft, $marginTop, ($imgWidth - $marginRight - 1), ($imgHeight - $marginBottom - 1), $colorBorder);

// set the content type
//header(\"Content-type:  image/gif\");
header(\"Content-type:  image/png\");

// create an interlaced image for better loading in the browser
$image, 1);

// mark background color as being transparent
$image, $colorBG);

// now send the picture to the client (this outputs all image data directly)
You can keep adding $message[] lines. The image will dynamically stretch to fit all the text you provide.

Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.

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Yes it's me from G4B2S. I remember you were on these forums so thats why I came here.


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Joined: Feb 2003

And now how would I go about actually saving that as an image. Not just displaying the image when the script is executed?

Mark Hensler's picture

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Welcome to TWF!

You mean saving that into a .png file? The easiest way to do that would probably have one script (script1) run the image script (script2), and save the output to a file.

For example: (untested)

// script 1

if (
read_file(\"script2.php?message[]=\".URLEncode('Line 1').\"&message[]=\".URLEncode('Line 2').\")) {
$image = ob_get_contents();
    if (
$fp = fopen(\"image1.png\", \"r+\")) {
$fp, $image);

Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.

They have: 8 posts

Joined: Feb 2003

I'm not getting it to work. Well I got it to display what I wanted the first time, I just can't get your save routine to work.

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Joined: Feb 2003

I got it to work. Smiling Laughing out loud

// now send the picture to the client (this outputs all image data directly)

changed to

// now save the picture
//imageGIF($image, $filename);
$filename = \"file.png\";
$image, $filename);

Mark Hensler's picture

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Oh cool. I didn't know that those functions took an optional filename. Very handy.

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Joined: Feb 2003

It is all working.

if ($pw != '[edited out]') { exit(\"What are you doing?\"); }

$textSize       = 2;

$textGutter     = 0;

$paddingBottom  = 4;
$paddingLeft    = 4;
$paddingRight   = 4;
$paddingTop     = 4;

$marginBottom   = 2;
$marginLeft     = 2;
$marginRight    = 2;
$marginTop      = 2;

$message[] = \"|SiC| is currently listening to:\";
$message[] = $song;

$max_length = 0;
foreach (
$message as $line) {
    if (strlen(
$line) > $max_length) {
$max_length = strlen($line);

$textHeight     = imageFontHeight($textSize);
$textWidth      = imageFontWidth($textSize);

$textboxHeight  = (count($message) * ($textHeight)) + ((count($message)-1) * $textGutter) + ($paddingBottom + $paddingTop);
$textboxWidth   = ($max_length * $textWidth) + ($paddingLeft + $paddingRight);

$imgHeight      = $marginTop + $textboxHeight + $marginBottom + 1;
$imgWidth       = $marginLeft + $textboxWidth + $marginRight + 1;

$image = imageCreate ($imgWidth, $imgHeight);

$colorBG        = imagecolorallocate ($image, 200, 0, 0);
$colorBorder    = imagecolorallocate ($image, 153, 153, 153);
$colorText      = imagecolorallocate ($image, 255, 255, 255);

$image, 0, 0, ($imgWidth - 1), ($imgHeight - 1), $colorBG);

for (
$i=0; $i<count($message); $i++) {
    imageString (
$image, $textSize, ($marginLeft + $paddingLeft + 1), ($marginTop + $paddingTop - $textHeight + (($i+1) * ($textHeight) + ($i * $textGutter))), $message[$i], $colorText);

$image, $marginLeft, $marginTop, ($imgWidth - $marginRight - 1), ($imgHeight - $marginBottom - 1), $colorBorder);

$image, 1);

$image, \"song.png\");

And if anyone wants to see what it is doing you can see here:

This is just displaying what song winamp is currently playing. I have a winamp pluging that submits a URL every time the song changes and this is the script it loads from that URL.

Just in case anyone wants to know $pw and $song are from the URL.

Mark Hensler's picture

He has: 4,048 posts

Joined: Aug 2000

Looking at the image, you might want to trim($song) before assigning it to $message[].

They have: 8 posts

Joined: Feb 2003

Okay, I'll try it out tomorrow when I get home from school.

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