Change of Tune

He has: 1,380 posts

Joined: Feb 2002

Ok, I changed my mind...

I want to run a cron job to open a dir, read the files, see if they're in a database...and if not enter them. Otherwise to not. It seems to ignore the comparison I need help. Here's what I have:


/* Open directory to read items */
$dh = opendir(\"....\");

/* Set psuedo-boolean variable */
$match = 0;

/* Set todays date */
$today = date(\"Y-m-d\");

/* Loop dir */
while (false !== (
$file = readdir($dh))) {

      /* Set Name */
$dotpos = strpos($file, \".\");
$name = substr($file, 0, $dotpos);
      /* Loop db */
      while (
$qry = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {

        /* Grab data from db */
$dbfile = stripslashes($qry['name']);

         /* Check dir for empty name */
         if (
$file != \".\" && $file != \"..\" && $file != \"\" && $file != \" \") {
            /* Check for comparison */
            if (
$name == $dbfile) {
$match += 1;
      /* If no matches, add to dB */
      if (
$match == 0) {
         mysql_query(\"INSERT INTO videos SET name = '
$name', hits = 0, date = '$today'\");

/* Disconnect database */

Thanks for any help!