BIG project! Need help!
Want to write software for RCM (Robotic Camera Mount).
The story...
My cousin is a hardware guy. He made an RCM and is using software that he doesn't like. We would like to make a better one.
What we think we need...
A GUI HTML interface, which will send commands to an IP:port. Software that runs on the remote PC and monitors that port. When data arrives, it needs to forward it to the serial port. A Basic Stamp will then determine how to move the RCM.
Is the theory correct? If not, help me out.
What language should I use in the HTML interface to send data to the IP:port?
What language should I use on the PC to monitor the port and forward data to the serial port?
I was told that there is no way I could get this completed under a year. Is this realistic?
Give me any and all thoughts. Please!
Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.