© protecting images within cgi script - is this possible?
Hi everyone,
ok, here's my question. I'm working on a greeting card site and have lots of copyrighted images on it. I'm wondering if there's any way to adjust the script to make the images "un-savable". I know someone once sent me a post card of his own picture and I was unable to right click to save it.
any ideas?
take care,
Asymmetric Designs, unique designs for contemporary minds
Rob Pengelly posted this at 19:18 — 4th September 1999.
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Joined: Jul 1999
I have seen a Javascript where if you try to right click it pulls up a box saying whatever you want it to say,making people have to out of their way to save images. I will try and find it again and post it, or if anyone else knows were to find the script please post it!
[Rob P]
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Carolyn Jones posted this at 21:29 — 4th September 1999.
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Well, do you mean adding image info within the file Patrick? I plan on doing that anyway and will probably have to just settle for that. JP had mentioned making an animated gif from each image and making the first frame say a solid black box that only plays for about 1/100th of a second, I can do that too but it may get time consuming with 100's of pictures :)---I'm not so worried about my pictures but since others are letting me use their hard work I want to be more careful. Java script would work if it's simple enough to not slow anything down :)and can be programmed to warp the visitor back to my home page
. Thank you for your answers.
take care,
Asymmetric Designs, unique designs for contemporary minds
Asymmetric, unique designs for contemporary minds
Carolyn Jones posted this at 22:14 — 4th September 1999.
They have: 327 posts
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I would love to try out a script like that if it would be cross browser, I know nothing can completely protect the images -- but I think I would be nice to be able to let the artists know I'm doing everything I can
. If anyone knows of such a script and better yet how to incert it into the cgi script I would be very grateful
still thinking about the animation thing, could just put the copyright info with a transparent background through the middle of the image for that first frame
take care,
Asymmetric Designs, unique designs for contemporary minds
Asymmetric, unique designs for contemporary minds
cds posted this at 02:32 — 5th September 1999.
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think there has been other discussions about this in the past. There are scripts that won't allow you to right click on images. However, they only stop the people that don't know you can select the image, go to file and save as and do the same thing. Also think these scripts only work in IE and not NS or is it the other way around.
That's a good idea about making a black frame and animating. Have a potential client who is very concerned about people copying his pictures (photo studio) and using for their own use. Would eliminate about 95% of the people out there from using them.
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anti posted this at 00:50 — 7th September 1999.
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it's too long ago ...
I think the whole deal was that NS can't save multipart encoded
But I may be wrong.
Hope it helps to point you in the right direction.
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