Javascripts in PHP?
OK, As some of you already know, I'm a PHP-idiot (for that matter, i'm an internet idiot =)...
Here's a question...
I run a PHP board (YaBB SE), and am having problems displaying my javascript banner from FastClick on it. Any clues as to HOW i put i in there?
I guess, the better question is, what's the correct syntax? or is it the same?
here's the javascript
<script language="Javascript">0?'Y':'N');
if(v>=4){x=screen; } if(n.appName.indexOf('Mic')>=0) {o=1; } if(v>=4){ id=6630;
u='ht'+'tp://'; c=' alt="Click">'; x='/';
l=' width=468 height=60 border=0 ';t=l+'marginheight=0 marginwidth=';b='&sid=';
i=u+x+b+id+'&m=1&f=a&v=1.2&c='+f+'&j='+p+'&r='+e;d='ameborder=0 scrolling=no>';
u = '';
dc.writeln(''); // -->
Busy posted this at 08:04 — 2nd March 2002.
He has: 6,151 posts
Joined: May 2001
depends how you placed it in your code, is it written into your php, escaped from php, is it included (or required) or the EOF thingy?
sorry not sure how the YABB boards are made up, I'm sure one of the PHP gurus can answer, if not can you give us the URL
raine posted this at 12:54 — 2nd March 2002.
They have: 34 posts
Joined: Feb 2002
I'm not sure what any of that means =)
YABB is at
my board is at
Thanks for any help!
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