How do I update a MySQL table in PHP from a submitted form?
Here's what I'm doing -- I have a form that's generated from a MySQL table. That much is sort of working (it's displaying, but all in a big lump, I'll work on that later).
What I need to know is how to make changes to that form (check checkboxes, uncheck checkboxes, radio boxes, values in a text field, you know, submit the form information into the database) when I submit it.
I don't know what to look for to find the information. It seems that I can do this:
$update = "Update $tableName set $FIELD='$fieldvalue' WHERE $KEYFIELD=$keyfield" or something like that?
But how does that relate?
Please help or point to resources that can help me!
Abhishek Reddy posted this at 09:44 — 17th August 2002.
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Check out this article on PHPBuilder:
I'll add more links as I find them to this post.
Suzanne posted this at 19:01 — 17th August 2002.
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Thanks, Abby. I know what I want to do, lol, just not how to tell anyone! I'll happily accept any and all pointers, hints and general advice! That article looks like an excellent starting place, thank you!
Suzanne posted this at 02:51 — 18th August 2002.
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Okay, I've read through it (a few times) and I think I need remedial help.
Abhishek Reddy posted this at 05:39 — 18th August 2002.
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A little more searching yielded only more pages that link to the article above...
It may be easier to explain this if you could say exactly what form inputs you want to use, what you want updated, and how (what values you are working with), and the rest of the details.
Are you having trouble with accessing selected values/setting up the form? Or the update query?
Suzanne posted this at 06:27 — 18th August 2002.
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The update query.
It's really very simple, because while I tend to make things more complex than I need (in general when building an application), in this case, I just want to change a checkbox value from "0" to "1" when I submit the form.
There are a pile of checkboxes, each attached to one other field (the item), and I want to check the boxes, submit the form and then rebuild the form with the items already checked.
Think -- todo list, but you can undo an item that's already been done.
Eventually it will be more complex, but right now, I just need to figure out how to make the change and for some reason I'm totally stymied. I'm sure once I get it it will be so overwhelmingly clear that I will be blushing for weeks, but right now, it's just not coming through to me.
nike_guy_man posted this at 02:34 — 19th August 2002.
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checkboxes eh?
<input type=checkbox name="checkboxes[]" value="whatever">
Implode the checkboxes array that is sent to PHP, separating with whatever isn't in the values for the checkboxes, and then add it to what was already in there, by selecting what was in the DB and adding it together... IE
$query1 = \"SELECT * FROM $TableName WHERE (keyfield) LIKE ('$Keyfield') \";
$result1 = mysql_query($query1);
$row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
$query2 = \"UPDATE $TableName set checkbox = '$row1[checked],\";
$query2 .= implode(',', $checkboxes);
$query2 .= \"' WHERE (keyfield) LIKE ('$keyfield') \";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
if ($result2) {
print \"It updated\";
} else {
print \"It didn't update\";
echo mysql_error();
That's not the most proficient way to do it, but it'll work...
Another way you could do it, is to take the already checked boxes and put them in checked boxes on the form... that way, you don't have to select then add on the same handler, you'd take the data from the SELECT statement on the form, and UPDATE on the handler...
Is this what you are looking for?
Mark Hensler posted this at 06:47 — 19th August 2002.
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Number One:
Can I see your DB layout? How is the stuff stored where your pulling it from to print the form.
Number Two:
For now, I'll do a mock example....
| Field | Info
| ID | auto-inc, int, not null, primary key
| Var | varchar(25), not null, index (or unique)
| Val | smallint(1), not null, default 0
| ID | Var | Val |
| 1 | Item 1 | 0 |
| 2 | Item 2 | 1 |
| 3 | Item 3 | 1 |
| 4 | Item 4 | 0 |
| | | |
FILE: lib-query_error.php
// Author : Mark Hensler
// Email : <a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="bb-email">[email protected]</a>
function Query_Error($file, $line, $query, $silent=true)
// str $file - file where query was run
// int $line - aprox. line where query was run
// str $query - query that was run
// bln $silent - print bebug report in <!-- comments --> ?
// Prints a detailed error report using $file, $line, $query,
// and mysql_error().
// RETURN: (void)
// mysql_error() returns the mysql error generated by the last run query
// (for the current DB link).
echo "\n\n";
echo ($silent == TRUE) ? "<!--\n" : "<textarea cols=\"60\" rows=\"7\">\n";
echo "FILE: $file\n";
echo "LINE: $line\n";
echo "\n";
echo "QUERY ERROR:\n";
echo mysql_error() . "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "QUERY:\n";
echo $query . "\n";
echo ($silent == TRUE) ? "-->\n" : "</textarea>\n";
echo "\n\n";
} //END Query_Error()
FILE: whatever.php
define("_LOUD_DEBUG", TRUE);
if (isset($update)) {
// set some fields
$query = "UPDATE table_name SET val=1 WHERE ID IN (" . implode(', ', $var) . ")";
// unset the rest
$query = "UPDATE table_name SET val=0 WHERE ID NOT IN (" . implode(', ', $var) . ")";
echo "<form .... \n";
$query = "SELECT ID, Var, Val FROM table_name ORDER BY Var ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result) { Query_Error(__FILE__, __LINE__, $query, _LOUD_DEBUG); }
while (list($id, $var, $val) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$sel = ($val > 0) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
echo "<input type=\"checbox\" name=\"var[$id]\" value=\"1\" $sel /><br />\n";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"update\" value=\"Save!\" /><br />\n";
echo "</form>\n";
Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.
Suzanne posted this at 17:47 — 19th August 2002.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
I'm fighting with how to best do it. The db that is.
At the moment I have two ideas -- one is that everything is in one big table -- category, item, checked, id. The other is that there are separate tables for everything, so a table of categories, a table of items for each category (with the checked field).
I'm sorry I'm so disorganized, I'm not sure how to best do this. At the moment, the data is all in one table.
I think that having it in separate tables would be better?
I have to take my step-son to the orthodontist right now, but I'll make a .phps file and the database structure when I return. I really appreciate any help that will get this through my thick head.
Mark Hensler posted this at 19:24 — 19th August 2002.
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I like to keep everything as normalized as I can get it. Meaning that I put everything in different tables, and link them together with foreign keys.
# MySQL-Front Dump 2.2
# Host: Database: temp
# Server version 3.23.41
# Table structure for table 'category'
CREATE TABLE `category` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
`description` varchar(255) default '',
KEY `name` (`name`)
# Dumping data for table 'category'
INSERT INTO category VALUES("1","category 1","this is category 1");
INSERT INTO category VALUES("2","category 2","this would be category 2");
INSERT INTO category VALUES("3","category 3","you\'ve found category 3");
# Table structure for table 'task'
`task_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`category_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
`description` varchar(255) default '',
`completed` datetime NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`task_id`),
KEY `name` (`name`),
KEY `created` (`created`),
KEY `category_id` (`category_id`)
# Dumping data for table 'task'
INSERT INTO task VALUES("1", "1", "task 1, cat 1", "this is task 1", "1");
INSERT INTO task VALUES("2", "1", "task 2, cat 1", "task number 2", "1");
INSERT INTO task VALUES("3", "3", "task 3, cat 3", "tres", "0");
INSERT INTO task VALUES("4", "2", "another task", "boy, we have a lot to do", "0");
// FILE: whatever.php
define(\"_LOUD_DEBUG\", TRUE);
if (isset($update)) {
$query = \"UPDATE task SET completed=1 WHERE id IN (\" . implode(', ', $task) . \")\";
$query = \"UPDATE task SET completed=0 WHERE id NOT IN (\" . implode(', ', $task) . \")\";
echo \"<html>\n\";
echo \"<body>\n\";
echo \"<form action=\\"whatever.php\\" method=\\"POST\\">\n\";
echo \"<table border=\\"0\\" cellpadding=\\"2\\" cellspacing=\\"0\\">\n\";
echo \" <tr>\n\";
echo \" <td colspan=\\"2\\">\n\";
echo \" Category/Task\n\";
echo \" </td>\n\";
echo \" <td>\n\";
echo \" Description\n\";
echo \" </td>\n\";
echo \" </tr>\n\";
$query = \"SELECT t.task_id, as task_name, t.description as task_description, t.completed\"
.\", c.category_id as cat_id, as cat_name, c.description as cat_description\"
.\" FROM task t\"
.\" LEFT JOIN category c ON t.category_id=c.category_id\"
.\" ORDER BY cat_name ASC\"
.\" task_name ASC\";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result) { Query_Error(__FILE__, __LINE__, $query, _LOUD_DEBUG); }
$prev_cat = NULL;
while ($tmp = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if ($prev_cat != $cat_id) {
$prev_cat = $cat_id;
echo \" <tr>\n\";
echo \" <td valign=\\"top\\" colspan=\\"2\\">\n\";
echo \" <b>$cat_name</b>\n\";
echo \" $cat_description\n\";
echo \" </td>\n\";
echo \" </tr>\n\";
$sel = ($val > 0) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
echo \" <tr>\n\";
echo \" <td valign=\\"top\\">\n\";
echo \" <input type=\\"checbox\\" name=\\"task[$id]\\" value=\\"1\\" $sel />\n\";
echo \" </td>\n\";
echo \" <td valign=\\"top\\">\n\";
echo \" <b>$task_name</b><br />\n\";
echo \" $task_description\n\";
echo \" </td>\n\";
echo \" </tr>\n\";
echo \" <tr>\n\";
echo \" <td colspan=\\"2\\">\n\";
echo \" <input type=\\"submit\\" name=\\"update\\" value=\\"Save!\\" />\n\";
echo \" </td>\n\";
echo \" </tr>\n\";
echo \"</table>\n\";
echo \"</form>\n\";
echo \"</body>\n\";
echo \"</html>\n\";
Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.
Suzanne posted this at 08:42 — 28th August 2002.
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Joined: Feb 2000
Mark, I'm returning to try this again. I've modeled the db based on your suggestions, and thankfully the break I took allowed the concept to sink in. Thanks for the clear explanation on how to set up the database.
I'm going to try the code. I changed my field names to match the ones in your example to make it work better, but I'm not sure how it connects to the db in the first place. Can you (or someone) help me fill in this missing leap?
I have the details (host, username, password, database name, table names) but I'm not sure how it talks to the script. Little words, please!
Mark Hensler posted this at 05:39 — 29th August 2002.
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I don't have too much time right now. I'll try to get back to it later. (If I don't send me a friendly reminder. )
But basically put this near the top of your PHP file, before any mysql_ functions:
// host, user, pass
define(\"DBHOST\", \"localhost\");
define(\"DBUSER\", \"my_user\");
define(\"DBPASS\", \"my_pass\");
// default DB
define(\"DBNAME\", \"temp\");
$db_link = mysql_connect(DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPASS);
if (!$db_link || !mysql_select_db(DBNAME)) {
echo \"\n\nError connecting to database.\n\";
Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.
Suzanne posted this at 07:17 — 29th August 2002.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
Okay, thanks Mark.
Please don't worry about coming back -- if you have the time I would certainly appreciate it, but I'll suss it out eventually on my own if you don't. I really do appreciate all the time you've taken thus far.
ROB posted this at 15:51 — 29th August 2002.
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i'll just point out that building a query like that can be a huge security risk if that data is coming from the browser. you *could* potentially be giving visitors free reign of your database.
imagine if someone invoked your script with this query string:
Suzanne posted this at 16:01 — 29th August 2002.
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I'm sorry, ROB, I have no idea what that query string is, though it appears to be changing the password?
This script is currently password protected, so they'd have to get access to that password first, but it won't be password protected forever, so I'll keep your warning first and foremost in my mind. I assume that Mark's code, while making less intuitive sense to my newbie brain, is more secure?
Also, if this matters, the variables like $tableName are there for illustration purposes -- I would use the actual table name and field name.
ROB posted this at 17:05 — 29th August 2002.
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yeah, that's the issue. as long as you did that it'd be fine, otherwise you'd essentially be letting visitors build any update query they wanted to.
Suzanne posted this at 20:14 — 29th August 2002.
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gotcha, thanks for clarifying!
So much to learn, good thing I'm doing this on my own time!
Mark Hensler posted this at 23:57 — 29th August 2002.
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I don't mind spending time answering your questions. I was just in a hurry last time I posted. Things have been falling apart at school, and I've been running around to get my classes re-organized. Things have finally come together, and this should be my last semester -- provided no more classes are canceled on me.
Did I answer your question about connecting to the DB? Is that what you were looking for?
My code has hard coded table names, so it's more secure.
The script does assume register_globals is on, so some may consider that a flaw. Newer versions of PHP (>4.2.x) have register_globals default to off, but you can change this. I also don't like using the new global vars like $_POST yet, as older versions of PHP don't support them and not all hosts have updated to 4.2.x versions yet (like me, I'm still on 4.0.6).
Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.
ROB posted this at 02:20 — 30th August 2002.
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a bit off the topic of this thread, but i've been adding the following bit to the beginning of scripts i plan to distribute:
if(!isset($_REQUEST)) {
granted it's not perfect, theyre not superglobals like the real ones, so you gotta remember to declare them global in functions, but at least you don't have to resort to using deprecated features.
this has also inspired me to write a PHP4 version library, which will define php 4.2 functions that are not defined in the running 4.x version. I'll post it here when i'm done.
Mark Hensler posted this at 02:27 — 30th August 2002.
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Good idea... I could use a pre-made lib, but I'm too lazy to make one right now.
Suzanne posted this at 01:24 — 1st September 2002.
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I'm still not there, but it's only because I keep having to work and pack and then start all over again forgetting what I learned. Yes, the database connection information got me connected and now I have no $result, so I'm working on debugging that.
I've set aside my own code for comparison if I can get yours working. I'm sure I have just done something daft, lol, so give me a couple of days and I'll be able to report success or failure for certain.
The good news is my brain no longer hurts when trying to build a database sensibly. I've built a few more and planned a couple, to see if I got all the pieces connected properly. Displaying them may be a little more of a challenge, but at least I have all the information mapped out.
P.S. Edit: yes, something daft, must have the same table and field names, lol... working on it now.
Suzanne posted this at 04:31 — 1st September 2002.
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okay, I'm stuck.
I have my original version working as far as displaying the categories and headings (so far so good), but I'm stuck on this part of yours, Mark:
$query = \"SELECT t.task_id, as task_name, t.description as task_description, t.completed\"
.\", c.category_id as cat_id, as cat_name, c.description as cat_description\"
.\" FROM task t\"
.\" LEFT JOIN category c ON t.category_id=c.category_id\"
.\" ORDER BY cat_name ASC\"
.\" task_name ASC\";
Why? I don't know what it means, or how it works, so I can't edit it (if needed?) to fit the column/table names...
Any ideas?
Busy posted this at 08:58 — 1st September 2002.
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I'm sure Mark will make it clear next time he's here but in the mean time I'll have a crack.
$query = what your going to get the database to do
SELECT = what your going to do, could be SELECT, UPDATE ..
t.task_id, as task_name, ... = are the database columns or tabled sections
FROM = will point to the database table
task t = table name
LEFT JOIN = not 100% sure on this one, think its add to or collect from second db table
category c = could be the second db table
ON t.category_id=c.category_id" = not sure about this either, think its where is equal to from second table
ORDER BY = which order the results will be
cat_name = catagory name
ASC = ascending
task_name = catagory name
ASC = ascending
in my terms
select rows of content from the database named task_t, match it with second db and match id numbers and display results in ascending order.
say you have id number, name and phone number in one table
1 - allan - 12345678
2 - bob - 98765423
3 - carl - 5246382
and second table with stuff brought, id number, product and serial num
1 - book - 112233
2 - pen - 223344
3 - paper - 887753
if bob brought a pen it would match these and diplay his details next to product info, if everyon brought a book, would display them all by matching the different tabled id numbers.
Hope this has helped and not made it worse. I'm sure Mark can explain it better
Suzanne posted this at 22:58 — 1st September 2002.
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Okay, I actually learned something last night reading my MySQL book (incredible!) about joins and finally understood what was happening in that code. Your explanation, Busy, makes it very clear, thank you.
I got the opinion of another php programmer I know about using implode. I've been having problems making it work and she suggested that having implode in the sql update command wasn't working because it was reading it as a string since it's a php function.
SO... to use it first, then run the query.
However, she also came up with an alternate option, which is because all the checkboxes have distinct names, to use those names to update the tables.
I think I'm explaining that right. Each checkbox is named "ch".$details["task_id"] -- so ch1, ch2, ch3, chx. Then using a while loop, if this checkbox is selected (value=1), then update this row.
Mark Hensler posted this at 23:28 — 1st September 2002.
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Lets see what I can clear up.
(That means get ready for a long read.)
<strong>FROM task t</strong>
LEFT JOIN <strong>category c</strong> ON t.category_id=c.category_id
I just told it to retrieve information from the `task` table and the `category` table, and I gave those tables the aliases `t` and `c` (respectively). This allows me to use `t` and `c` to reference these tables rather than typing out the whole table name (yes, I can be that lazy).
FROM task t
<strong>LEFT JOIN</strong> category c <strong>ON t.category_id=c.category_id</strong>
I specified that this query would be retrieving records from both the `task` and `category` tables.
The ON join_condition speficies which fields a match is to be made.
JOIN queries take records from all specified tables and create a new record set containing fields from all specified tables. Being a LEFT JOIN, all records in the left table will be returned, with or without a matching record in the right table. However, records in the right table must have a match in the left table to be returned. So all fields from the left table will contain data, while fields from the right table may contain data or be NULL (no match in right table).
SELECT t.task_id, <strong> as task_name</strong>, t.description as task_description, t.completed,
c.category_id as cat_id, as cat_name, c.description as cat_description
So, I told it to retrieve the `name` field from the `task` (`t`) table and gave it the alias `task_name`. I gave it an alias because the `category` (`c`) table also has a `name` field, which I gave the alias `cat_name`. Now, in the returning result, these two colums would be labeled `task_name` and `cat_name`. If your going to use mysql_fetch_array(), this is important to know.
ORDER BY cat_name ASC
task_name ASC
Fairly simple, order the results by `cat_name` ascending first, then `task_name` ascending.
mySQL Docs:
6.4.1 SELECT Syntax JOIN Syntax
Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.
Suzanne posted this at 00:05 — 2nd September 2002.
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Joined: Feb 2000
Ah ha! Okay, now I know how to edit it, lol. I have to fix the table names. Thank you!
In case I sound incredibly bizarre, I am in fact writing this two ways, one using your code, Mark, and one using my own (oh-so-special) logic, lol.
What I'm wondering is if your code is more efficient than mine. I.e. what the benefits of using join are v.v. what I'm doing. What I suspect is that your code is better for scalability.
But I'm going to get them both working, and then report back (eventually) with my conclusions and the code for both.
Opinions on the best method are encouraged and welcomed!
Mark Hensler posted this at 04:59 — 2nd September 2002.
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Normalizing a database makes it more scalable, but costs more time per query (because of the extra work done to join tables).
I like to normalize as much as possible, but my projects are usually more complex than a todo list.
Looking forward to hear of your progress. Good luck!
Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.
Suzanne posted this at 05:38 — 2nd September 2002.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
As I suspected, then. I'm still having a hard time figuring things out, but I will persevere.
What I'm currently having trouble with is this not working and I can't see why...
$query_count = \"SELECT MAX(task_id) FROM moving\";
$items = mysql_query($query_count);
Doesn't return me anything I can use.
$x = 1; // initialize $x to the value of the first $task_id in your table. $x is $name! $value is 1 or null?
$z = 46; // initialize $z to the maximum name value of your checkboxes [max # of tasks]
echo \"<p>\$z: \" . $z . \" should be the same as number of items.</p>\";
while (0 <= $z) { // run the loop until $z is 0
if ($x == \"yes\") { // only run the update query if the checkbox is checked
$query = \"UPDATE moving SET completed=1 WHERE task_id = $x\";
$result = mysql_query($query);
echo \"<p>\" . $x . \" was updated.</p>\";
else {
$query = \"UPDATE moving SET completed=0 WHERE task_id = $x\";
$result = mysql_query($query);
echo \"<p>\" . $x . \" was updated.</p>\";
} // end IF
$x=$x+1; // increment $x to the name of the next checkbox
echo \"<p>\$x is $x</p>\";
echo \"<p>\$z is $z</p>\";
} // end the WHILE
if ($z <= \"0\") {
echo \"<p>Congratulations, Suzanne, it actually updated! (except, it's not really updating!)</p>\";
else {
echo \"<p>Oh, poop on a stick, it didn't update!</p>\";
} //end the results IF
And here is the page: and if you try to use the form, it goes to the part that is supposed to update the table.
I'm sure it's something incredibly simple.
Edit to add: okay, I figured out that the increment script needed to be elsewhere, so it would test all the checkboxes. But I still can't get it to work. Ideas?
Edited again: I updated the code. I have the same problem I had when I started this thread -- I cannot figure out how to get the name of the checkbox and the value into the script properly. I can get it to set ALL the rows to checked, or ALL the rows to not-checked, but not a SPECIFIC row to checked or not-checked.
Please, someone, smarten me up!
ROB posted this at 14:00 — 2nd September 2002.
They have: 447 posts
Joined: Oct 1999
you have the page password protected so i can't see what youre doing with the checkboxes.
one thing that sticks out, is this
if ($x == "yes")
'should be something like
if($checkbox[$x] == 'yes')
'ROB posted this at 14:09 — 2nd September 2002.
They have: 447 posts
Joined: Oct 1999
not sure if this is exactly what you're trying to do, but it may give you some hints:
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="mycheckboxes[0]" VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="mycheckboxes[1]" VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="mycheckboxes[2]" VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="mycheckboxes[3]" VALUE="1">
for($i=0; $i<3; ++$i) {
if($mycheckboxes[$i]) {
$thequery = \"UPDATE moving SET completed=1 WHERE task_id='$i'\";
else {
$thequery = \"UPDATE moving SET completed=0 WHERE task_id='$i'\";
Suzanne posted this at 21:44 — 2nd September 2002.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
oh, sorry! I forgot about the password protection:
username: moving
password: ackackack
Sorry, it was late and my eyes were crossing. Maybe I do need to use implode after all.
ROB posted this at 23:24 — 2nd September 2002.
They have: 447 posts
Joined: Oct 1999
ok what you were doing makes more sense now. one thing i'd definately change:
//you define your checkboxes like this
<input type="checkbox" name="1" value="1">
<input type="checkbox" name="2" value="1">
<input type="checkbox" name="3" value="1">
//you should define them like this
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="checklist[]" VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="checklist[]" VALUE="2">
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="checklist[]" VALUE="3">
// where value is the task_id
what this will do is cause your script to receive an array of checked id's rather than recieving seperate variables.
you can test this with something like:
foreach($checklist as $id) echo \"$id<BR>\";
// which will print out a list of the id's of all the checked boxes
so now that you know all the id's which are checked, you know everything else is unchecked. unfortunately, anything that is not checked is undefined and you only know it's not defined because of it's lack of existence, which means you need to be aware of it's existence beforehand. i really hate this because it makes it difficult to deal with large arrays of dynamic checkbox items, but there are workarounds.
since we know what is checked, i'd mark everything unchecked(in the database) and then check the ones we know are checked like so:
// uncheck all records
mysql_query(\"UPDATE moving SET completed='0'\");
// now re-check the ones that are checked
foreach($checklist as $id) {
mysql_query(\"UPDATE moving SET completed='1' WHERE task_id='$id'\");
hope that helps
Suzanne posted this at 00:07 — 3rd September 2002.
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would it be possible to only set the value to 1 since the checklist is printed in order and the task_id is the checklist name? In order to validate, the checklist has to have a unique name...
ROB posted this at 00:33 — 3rd September 2002.
They have: 447 posts
Joined: Oct 1999
ah, in that case you can do
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="checklist[1]" VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="checklist[2]" VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="checklist[3]" VALUE="1">
// where x in checklist[x] is the task_id
then, you would get you're array of checked keys like:
$checkedkeys = array_keys($checklist);
// and the rest ...
// uncheck all records
mysql_query(\"UPDATE moving SET completed='0'\");
// now re-check the ones that are checked
foreach($checkedkeys as $id) {
mysql_query(\"UPDATE moving SET completed='1' WHERE task_id='$id'\");
Suzanne posted this at 02:51 — 3rd September 2002.
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Am I right in hearing that you're saying this is a horribly awkward way to do it? (And thank you, I think it's beginning to dawn on me how this works).
So, in order to get the array as needed, what would the code look like? This is what I have:
$qResult = mysql_query(\"SELECT * FROM checklist_categories ORDER BY ID\");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($qResult)) { // while this category
$category = $row[\"name\"];
$cat_id = $row[\"ID\"];
$description = $row[\"description\"];
echo \"<h2>$category</h2>\n\n<p><strong>Category $cat_id:</strong> $description</p>\n\n<ul>\n\";
$qResult2 = mysql_query(\"SELECT * FROM moving WHERE category_id LIKE $cat_id ORDER BY task_id\");
while($details = mysql_fetch_array($qResult2)) { // display items for this category
$itemname = $details[\"name\"];
$checkboxname = $details[\"task_id\"];
if ($details[\"completed\"] == 1) {
$ifchecked = \"checked=\\"checked\\" \"; // put in the code including the space
else {
$ifchecked = \"\"; // nothing is printed
echo \"<li><input type=\\"checkbox\\" name=\\"$checkboxname\\" value=\\"1\\" alt=\\"is it done\\" $ifchecked/>$itemname</li>\n\";
} //end item loop
echo \"</ul>\n\n\";
} //end category loop
Would I do this?
echo \"<li><input type=\\"checkbox\\" name=\\"$ch[$task_id]\\" value=\\"1\\" alt=\\"is it done\\" $ifchecked/>$itemname</li>\n\";
Now that I'm this far into it, I can see how ordering by task id would be a problem if you, say, wanted to put items in and take items out.
Perhaps I need to entirely rethink how to approach this. I'm still having trouble with Mark's script, mostly because I have to learn how it works in order to edit it to fit, and I'm trying to do this and pack and sell everything we're not moving, lol.
I'm thinking when I get to Ontario I'm going to sign up for a course at UW and see how if that helps...
ROB posted this at 04:11 — 3rd September 2002.
They have: 447 posts
Joined: Oct 1999
in answer to your question "would i do this?"...
echo \"<li><input type=\\"checkbox\\" name=\\"$ch[$task_id]\\" value=\\"1\\" alt=\\"is it done\\" $ifchecked/>$itemname</li>\n\";
// the answer is no, you already have this line so use it:
$checkboxname = $details[\"task_id\"];
/* you want the checkbox to be named as arrayname[key]
an array is a list of values accessed by keys ... well actually it's called a hash, an array is an
incremental list of values accessed by an index, but that's just the elitist in me so ignore it
... anyways, arrayname can be anything you want to name it, name it dogfood if you want, but ill simply
name it 'checklist'. key is the key the index will be accessed by, in this case we're using the task_id,
so each checkbox will be named checklist[task_id]... */
$checkboxname = \"checklist[{$details['task_id']}]\";
// that's not as bad as it looks, {$details['task_id']} simply evaluates to an integer, ...
// ie: the task id of the current task
// now you can do exactly what you were doing
echo \"<li><input type=\\"checkbox\\" name=\\"$checkboxname\\" value=\\"1\\" alt=\\"is it done\\" $ifchecked/>$itemname</li>\n\";
as far as your concern about ordering by id, i'm not sure i understand. if you mean, by deleting records and effectively removing an element from the id order, that's not a concern. 1,6,3,9 will sort the same as 1,2,3,6,7,8,4,5,9.
Mark Hensler posted this at 03:45 — 4th September 2002.
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$query_count = \"SELECT MAX(task_id) FROM moving\";
$result = mysql_query($query_count);
list($items) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
Rob, I think the ordering concern is when you add a new record and want to stick it between two other entries.
If this is the case, you simply add another field (lets say "`sort` int(11) unsigned NULL default '0'"). Then sort on the `sort` field. This, of course, adds a layer of complexity as you'll need to provide a method of updating the `sort` number for existing records.
With the latest changes Rob made, your script should start breathing soon.
Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.
Mark Hensler posted this at 03:52 — 4th September 2002.
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Joined: Aug 2000
You know what I don't see on that list?
"Send Mark china to pack"
That must be why it hasn't arrived yet.
Suzanne posted this at 07:23 — 4th September 2002.
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*rofl* oh dear, I knew I was forgetting something!
Here's the plan:
1. Figure out how to make this work (before I move, hopefully, I'll be working on it again tomorrow).
2. Once it's working, figure out how to add and delete whole items (not just checkboxes).
3. Something happens here.
4. I become a master programmer and rule the world...
in the meantime, thank you both for your example code, your time, and your patience with me figuring out how this works. I'm glad I had it half right on the counting, and I understand the list concept for getting the # of items (the MySQL book and site were misleading, darn their souls!).
Thanks for the very thorough explanation of the arrays, ROB. I'm familiar with multi-dimensional arrays (and referencing them in PHP thanks to Mark) but my foray in MySQL means I don't have the cognitive infrastructure to understand how this is all actually put together in the language (PHP? MySQL? Which one is doing what has been tripping me up).
You guys, quite simply, rock.
Suzanne posted this at 08:27 — 5th September 2002.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
Okay, boys and girls, don't pass out!
I didn't get the good code working, but I have three versions, lol. The one that was closest to my original thought is the one that's fully working. Now I have to go back and understand what ROB is doing (so close, I am, so close) and then, what Mark is doing. This is so good, to have different ways of doing the same thing to see how they work.
Heh. Not the same page, an entirely different page, with the checkboxes and submit buttons hidden and the update script password protected, but the main list totally displayed.
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