horoscope scrip(perl)

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anyone have idea on this kind of script...

I think it is just a matching test within a range of day and month..

Using of time modules would be pretty simple, and anyone can give me some suggestion...

I got a module Date::horoscope...
But I don't know how to use it...or there is a much easy way..


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Not sure if I understand your message correctly. What exactly are you trying to do here?

Date::horoscope gives you information about using the module here:


And this is the synoposis it gives:


use Date::Horoscope; use Date::Manip;


$zodiac_sign_name = Date::Horoscope::locate($date);
$zodiac_sign_posn =

Basically, you pass it a date in a veriety of forms, but the most common is the unix timestamp form and then the module returns the zodiac sign the date resides in. Based on this information it's up to you what you want to do after...

- wil

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Joined: Jan 2002

thank you for the hints
1.returns the zodiac sign the date resides in
2.what you want to do after

however, a little problem ...my free webhosting do not have modules Date::Horoscope andDate::Manip pre-installed...

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Ack, then you're preety much stuck. The only thing I would suggest you do then is to ask them to install the modules for you - most good providers should do. The module comes off CPAN so it should be preety much kosher.

If they come back to you saying 'no' then we'll look for other solutions.

- wil

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I will try...nice to meet you..

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Are you trying to retrieve horoscope based on day and month?

I've done this with PHP in conjunction with MySQL database at: freeastrology.net
The client can then change horoscopes on the fly through an admin menu on their site.

Am I way off on what you are trying to do?

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Joined: Jan 2002

to theprofessional

you are not way off...and what I need is just something like that...

I like to compose it in perl....

to Wil
I decide to de-compose the modules and I tried to copy the relevant function to the script

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Well, if I can help in PHP, let me know. I left Perl when I discovered PHP, real quick. The only thing I need Perl for now is... nothing.

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Send me copies of the module => [email protected]

I can help you exctract the sub you need.

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Joined: Jan 2002

It is a simple pakage...
just one file useful....

package Date::Horoscope;

use Data::Dumper;
use Date::Manip;

use strict qw(vars subs);

require Exporter;

@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
@EXPORT = qw(

$VERSION = '2.0';

# year is irrelevant for our purposes

%Date::Horoscope::horoscope = (
'aries' => {
'position' => 1,
'start' => '3/21/93',
'end' => '4/20/93',
'taurus' => {
'position' => 2,
'start' => '4/21/93',
'end' => '5/20/93',
'gemini' => {
'position' => 3,
'start' => '5/21/93',
'end' => '6/21/93',
'cancer' => {
'position' => 4,
'start' => '6/22/93',
'end' => '7/22/93',
'leo' => {
'position' => 5,
'start' => '7/23/93',
'end' => '8/23/93',
'virgo' => {
'position' => 6,
'start' => '8/24/93',
'end' => '9/22/93',
'libra' => {
'position' => 7,
'start' => '9/23/93',
'end' => '10/22/93',
'scorpio' => {
'position' => 8,
'start' => '10/23/93',
'end' => '11/21/93',
'sagittarius' => {
'position' => 9,
'start' => '11/22/93',
'end' => '12/21/93',
'capricorn' => {
'position' => 10,
'start' => '1/1/93', # NOT TRUE BUT NECESSARY
'end' => '1/19/93',
'aquarius' => {
'position' => 11,
'start' => '1/20/93',
'end' => '2/18/93',
'pisces' => {
'position' => 12,
'start' => '2/19/93',
'end' => '3/20/93',

# day_month_logic:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Return a one if the day/month combo is greater than the day/month combo
# it was subtracted from. Return 0 if equal and -1 if less.

sub day_month_logic {
my ($M,$D)=@_;

warn "day_month_logic: $M, $D";

($M < 0) && return -1;
($M > 0) && return 1;
($M == 0) && ($D == 0) && return 0;
($M == 0) && ($D > 0) && return 1;
($M == 0) && ($D < 0) && return -1;

sub locate {
my $input_date = $_[0];

warn "input_date: $input_date";

my %input_date;
$input_date{month} = &UnixDate($input_date, '%m');
$input_date{day} = &UnixDate($input_date, '%d');
$input_date{year} = 1993;

warn "Y-M-D: $input_date{year}-$input_date{month}-$input_date{day}";

return 'capricorn' if $input_date{month}==12 && $input_date{day} >=22 && $input_date{day} <=31;

$input_date{new} = "$input_date{year}-$input_date{month}-$input_date{day}";
warn "<1>input_date{new} = $input_date{new}";
$input_date{new} =~ s/\s+//g;

warn "<2>input_date{new} = $input_date{new}";

my @sorted_keys =
sort {
} (keys %Date::Horoscope::horoscope);

# this returns something like 'taurus', 'sagittarius', etc.
for my $h (@sorted_keys) {

# start and end dates of this zodiac sign... year irrelevant
my $start = &ParseDate($Date::Horoscope::horoscope{$h}{start});
my $end = &ParseDate($Date::Horoscope::horoscope{$h}{end});
my $input = &ParseDate($input_date{new});

my $S=&Date_Cmp($start,$input);
my $E=&Date_Cmp($input,$end);

warn sprintf("H: %s S: %d E: %d", $h, $S, $E);
warn sprintf ("start: %s end: %s input: %s", $start, $end, $input);

return $h if (
((!$S) || (!$E)) ||
(($S < 0) && ($E < 0))


# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.

# Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it!

=head1 NAME

Date::Horoscope - Date operations based on the horoscope calendar



use Date::Horoscope;
use Date::Manip;


$zodiac_sign_name = Date::Horoscope::locate($date);
$zodiac_sign_posn = $Date::Horoscope::horoscope{Date::Horoscope::locate($date)}->{position},$/;


This module was written to help with zodiac processing.
It returns an all-lowercase zodiac sign name based on a given
date parseable by Date::Manip.
You can take this string and use it as a key to %horoscope to get a
position in the zodiac cycle.

=head1 API

=head2 locate

Provide any date parseable by Date::Manip and it turns an all-lowercase zodiac

=head2 %horoscope

This hash contains the position, and start and end dates for a zodiac sign.
The zodiac starts with Aries as far as I know. Some idiot didn't think
taurus was number 1.

=head1 OTHER

I cannot say how tickled I am that RCS changes by Date code into
as RCS string for me.

=head1 AUTHOR

T.M. Brannon

=head1 SEE ALSO



However, it is also making use of modules Date::Manip
so, I will take a while to parse Manip as there is no such module in the free webhosting and following link can see all available modules..


Thanks for both of you

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Well, that all Data::Manip does is to format your current unix time to : mm/dd/yy format.

You can do that with something like:

my ($day, $month, $year) = (localtime)[3,4,5];
$year += 1900;
$month += 1;
my $date  = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%d\n", $day, $month, $year);

- wil

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