Form to PHP Problems

He has: 296 posts

Joined: May 2002

My problem:

I have a form (admin/newa.php) and a script (admin/add.php). The form newa.php lets a user input several items and submit it to the database (add.php). But add.php does not recieve the form items (title,size,etc.).

Form Setup:

FORM: ACTION=add.php METHOD=post
INPUT: NAME=title TYPE=text
INPUT: NAME=artist TYPE=text
INPUT: NAME=anime TYPE=text
INPUT: NAME=size TYPE=text
INPUT: TYPE=submit

For the tracks you can choose the amount from a drop down menu at the top.

PHP Snippet:

if (isset($tracks4)) {
$numoftracks = $tracks0 + $tracks1 + $tracks2 + $tracks3 + $tracks4;
// the tracks# variables are from the drop down menus.
} else if (isset($tracks3)) {
$numoftracks = $tracks0 + $tracks1 + $tracks2 + $tracks3;
                  } else if (isset(
$tracks2)) {
$numoftracks = $tracks0 + $tracks1 + $tracks2;
                  } else if (isset(
$tracks1)) {
$numoftracks = $tracks0 + $tracks1;
                  } else if (isset(
$tracks0)) {
$numoftracks = $tracks0;
                  if (isset(
$fivedisc)) {
$numofdiscs = \"5\";
                    // The (number)disc variables are gotten from Checkboxes NEXT to the drop down menus.
                  } else if (isset(
$fourdisc)) {
$numofdiscs = \"4\";
                  } else if (isset(
$threedisc)) {
$numofdiscs = \"3\";
                  } else if (isset(
$twodisc)) {
$numofdiscs = \"2\";
                  } else if (isset(
$onedisc)) {
$numofdiscs = \"1\";

                  mysql_query(\"INSERT INTO ata_albums(id,numofdiscs,albumtitle,albumartist,albumsize,review,numoftracks) VALUES (NULL,'
                  if (isset(
$tracks0)) {
$i = 1;
                    while (
$i <= $tracks0) {
                      mysql_query(\"INSERT INTO ata_tracks(id,discnum,albumtitle,albumartist,tracksize,tracktitle,,tracklocal,review,numoftracks) VALUES (NULL,'1','
                  } // This is only 1 of the 5 WHILE() blocks.
                  echo mysql_error();
                  echo \"<BR>\";

[James Logsdon]

He has: 296 posts

Joined: May 2002

Nevermind, I figured out what I did wrong.

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