Zone File Class Types? Subdomains?
Yikes. This is not my forte!
I'm trying to set up a subdomain for a client but I'm getting hung up on "Zone File Class Types". I'm trying to set to go to another IP address.
What type would I use here? A, CNAME, or NS? The only option I *know* is wrong would be MX.
taff posted this at 20:36 — 7th February 2003.
They have: 956 posts
Joined: Jun 2001
Please tell me it's "A" - I bit the bullet, crossed my fingers and chose "A"
hostdog posted this at 01:21 — 11th February 2003.
They have: 36 posts
Joined: Jan 2003
you are correct
sub domain zone files should be as such
name 14400 a 12.34.567.89
taff posted this at 13:02 — 11th February 2003.
They have: 956 posts
Joined: Jun 2001
Ah thanks. I had about 15 minutes to make that call so I was feelin' the pressure.
I really need to brush up on this stuff some day.
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