Zone Alarm and a firewall???
Every now and then I read on the discussion boards that someone has both Zone Alarm and a firewall installed on their network. (The Zone Alarm is on the workstations.)
I've tried this a few times myself, but found it to be too restrictive. I had to constantly answer pop-up questions as to whether I wanted to go to such and such a site or DNS server. Productivity was slowed down, not to mention the irritation it brought to the user.
Maybe I'm just configuring Z.A. incorrectly, or maybe it's a lame idea to begin with!
Has anyone else tried this?
mairving posted this at 23:41 — 28th May 2003.
They have: 2,256 posts
Joined: Feb 2001
It is usually a good idea to run both a hardware and software firewall. A hardware firewall like a router, will keep most baddies out. A software firewall will protect any outgoing proggies like trojans. Turn off the alerts in ZA or they will drive you crazy.
Mark Irving
I have a mind like a steel trap; it is rusty and illegal in 47 states
Renegade posted this at 06:29 — 29th May 2003.
He has: 3,022 posts
Joined: Oct 2002
lol yeah, it's a good idea to utrn the warnings and alerts off in ZoneAlarm.
As for the two firewall programs thing, I not too sure, to me, one firewall is enough, however if you are going to use two firewalls, besure only one or none of them has those alerts and/or popups

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