Who's holding MY domain(s)?
Well, I now signed up for four new domains via OneStop. The first two hit the whois lookup database in less than three days, the other two haven't yet been three days... but the question is... Who holds the ownership on my names, or, who is the registrant??
The whois lookup shows the DOMAIN itself as the registrant, and me personally as the admin and billing contacts. In otherwords, the registarnt says "mydomain.com" (name changed) with the address I provided. Shouldn't the registarnt be my personal name like the billing and admin contacts?
I have several other domains registered through NS and IDR, and they have me or my company as regiostrant which is like it should be.
Justin S posted this at 21:19 — 5th May 2000.
They have: 2,076 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
Try going to http://manage.opensrs.org and changing the ownership to your domain name. You might also want to try doing that through OneStop...
But if the Admin and Billing contacts are you then you can still change the DNS and stuff. I don't know if you would be able to change the ownership that way though.
My name is Nitsuj. I bet you're thinking WTF...
Justin Stayton - [email] [icq]
NSS posted this at 01:15 — 6th May 2000.
They have: 488 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
Hi Ted,
If I am not mistaken you normally don't need to change the domain Registrar. If you are selling the domain, then you only need to change the Billing Contact, Admin Contact and DNS.
Billing Contact - For the domain Registrar to bill upon expiry of domain name registered with InterNic. Domain Registrar can only be changed by the new Registrar on your behalf, but you still need to reply by e-mail to confirm as the Admin Contact which is the most important records at InterNIC.
Admin Contact - Make changes to i.e. new address, e-mail, change of owner. In normal cases InterNic will e-mail the present Admin Contact and you have reply to confirm the changed.
DNS - Change of new host(IP address)
As Justin mentioned , go to to http://manage.opensrs.org and make the changes if required, but you don't need to change the Domain Registrar unless it's expensive and I don't think it will be any cheaper than $11/=
One of our Senior Member, Jaiem mentioned:
It's very true, if you had registered with high-end registrar like http://www.internetregistration.com you can manage everything at their control panel and the records will be updated at InterNIC within 24 hrs without the inconvenience of e-mail confirmation by InterNIC to "Admin Contact" but then it's $27/= per year
[This message has been edited by NSS (edited 05 May 2000).]
Ted posted this at 11:47 — 6th May 2000.
They have: 74 posts
Joined: Apr 2000
Thanks both. BTW, did you guys post the correct url for opensource "management" page? Maybe its just down at the moment, but that link doesn't work. I looked at their main page and couldn't find a link.
Well, this is a mystery to meNSS posted this at 17:43 — 6th May 2000.
They have: 488 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
Hi Ted,
Sorry about the first url. Please go to: http://manage.opensrs.net/ and login using your domaim name, username and password when you registered at Onestop to login.
Everything is here to manage you domain which is self-explanatory.
Hope this helps.
[This message has been edited by NSS (edited 06 May 2000).]
Ted posted this at 15:03 — 8th May 2000.
They have: 74 posts
Joined: Apr 2000
I was finally able to access the "manage my domain" control panel at onestop... I guess the activation of the control panel lags behind the domain registration... so in the end, there was no need to access the panel at opensrs that you two suggested. Thank you both for your assistance.
BTW, once it was finally activated, the onestop control panel is very easy, you can change ANYTHING relating to the domain, and the best part, the change was reflected in an off-site whois in just a few hours. So, IMHO, once you get past the SLOW registration process, onestop is actually quite good.
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