transfering files via ssh??

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Hey guys,

I have two unix boxes (well, technically they're macs, but lets face it... macs are just unix boxes with a pretty gui). I have remote login enabled on machine#1 and an ssh account setup. I can access machine#1 (my home mac) from machine#2 (which is my ibook) from anywhere in the world using ssh.

I'm not much of a unix geek although I know enough to navigate around remotely but what I really want to do is to be able to ssh to my home machine and start a file download from the internet.

Is this possible and if so does anyone happen to know the commands to do it?



Abhishek Reddy's picture

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Quote: what I really want to do is to be able to ssh to my home machine and start a file download from the internet.

Just checking: do you want to start a download from the internet to machine#1, or do you want to download stuff from machine#1 to machine#2 via SSH?

You probably want to use SFTP or SCP. This might require some configuration of your SSH server first.

I've never used either of them so I don't have any hints other than to look up documentation. I might try setting it up and testing later today to see if I get anywhere...

mairving's picture

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Start a file download from where? If it is a ftp site, you can ssh to your home machine and then:
and get your files.

If it is by http, then you can use either links or lynx, which are command line browsers.

You could also use SSH tunneling but it can be challenging to setup. You could possibly create a tunnel and then bring up the Mac GUI and go.

Mark Irving
I have a mind like a steel trap; it is rusty and illegal in 47 states

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