Terminology - could use some elementary explanations
thanks Chad!
(I'm feeling a little stupid right now because I've been to your site a number of times already -- was probably in "critique mode" or "looking for a host mode" and didn't realize I needed to be in "education" mode
Thank you again, it will be added to my big notebook.
P.S. was expecting a "plug" since it's the hosts that will most likely provide this type of information.
take care,
Carolyn Jones
icq# 5351437
Carolyn Jones posted this at 02:47 — 27th May 1999.
They have: 327 posts
Joined: Mar 1999
Hi Chad,
I'm wondering if you know of an article where the basic terminology and explanations of hosting features could be found. I look at the features on all of the hosting sites and understand about 2/3's of features, the rest look fairly "Greek" to me. I've looked up a few things one by one (band width etc....) but would love to find one source where most everything is explained for the non-programing mind
Thank you, take care
Carolyn Jones
icq# 5351437
Asymmetric, unique designs for contemporary minds
Jason Ellis posted this at 03:09 — 27th May 1999.
They have: 25 posts
Joined: Apr 1999
I think this article might help you:
There are other articles at hosthelp.com that are really useful, too.
Hosting Solutions, Inc. - www.hostingsolutions.net
Windows NT web hosting specialists.
Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc. / AlphaBreeze Technologies
Carolyn Jones posted this at 03:33 — 27th May 1999.
They have: 327 posts
Joined: Mar 1999
Thank you Jason

Printed, bookmarked, and feeling a bit more informed then I was an hour ago
I"m still amazed by how quickly my questions are answered here.
take care,
Carolyn Jones
icq# 5351437
Asymmetric, unique designs for contemporary minds
Anonymous posted this at 03:49 — 27th May 1999.
They have: 5,633 posts
Joined: Jan 1970
This is by no means a plug but our site has a very comprehensive listing of terminology. Go to http://www.dids.com/hosting/features.asp and scroll through to find what you would like. You can also always post something you don't understand here and I am sure someone will get you an answer.
Chad Simper [ [email protected] ]
Dynamic Internet Solutions [ http://www.dids.com/ ]
cds posted this at 16:17 — 1st June 1999.
They have: 359 posts
Joined: Mar 1999
Howdy Carolyn,
Another good source of teminology explanations is http://webopedia.com. It is a searchable database of just about every computer related term imaginable. In most cases, they will give a brief explanation and then links to other sites that cover the info in more depth.
They also have links to related terms and within their initial description, if it references another term, it will have a link to that term.
Also have explanations of all those acronyms. A good example if you go to their site is search for sparc. It will give you what it stands for, a link to Sun Microsystems and a link to a description of RISC.
[email protected]
Recycle Video Games Network
Stupidity killed the cat, curiosity was framed!
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