STILL good domains left...
Ok ok- I've heard from about everyone that there arn't good domain names left. Well I'm here to prove you wrong Haha- anyway.
Today I registered through TotalNIC. I'd say that's a pretty good domain, and I have future plans for it.
I also, as many know, registered,, and
So- I think there are still good domain out there. Also- when I searched for some three letter + number domains, many were still available.
My question: what are some 'domain name' stories you guys (and girls) have? Like people stealing them, etc...
Justin S.
Justin Stayton - [email] [icq]
Rob Pengelly posted this at 20:01 — 27th January 2000.
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I was going to register a few domains for future plans I have:
but they were registered a few days before I was going to buy them. Damn
So I registered instead.
I agree, there are still a lot of good domain names left. All you need is a Thesaurus (sp?) and a lot of time
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[This message has been edited by robp (edited 27 January 2000).] - - Beauty is only mullet deep.
dangelo posted this at 23:11 — 27th January 2000.
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I agree with robp, you need a good thesaurus.
I wanted to register but it was taken by digimedia. And I really dont understand why. Their site is nothing. I don't even think they offer web design. Check it out for yourself.
Now I have this domain name that is really long and no one can remember it. All my clients (also future clients) try [url="http://www.d'"]www.d'[/url] isntead when I tell them the address or [url="http://www.D'Angelo"]www.D'Angelo[/url] Web
It really bites. Oh well. Hind sight is always 20/20
-RJ D'Angelo
D'Angelo Web Design
-RJ D'Angelo
[email protected]
Adam Lysne posted this at 00:17 — 28th January 2000.
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I still need to decide on a domain name. I popped in a couple of domain names last night to see if they were available, and there weren't. I am offering website design.
Adam Lysne
[email protected]
AOL- FibrOptikL
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"Prepare yourself, it's da human beatbox"
Anonymous posted this at 02:11 — 28th January 2000.
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I was thinking of getting one. I have some in mind but don't want to share cuz there might be some unloyal people here who would snatch em' up.

Justin S posted this at 02:32 — 28th January 2000.
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Sounds like most people have had some sort of luck. Anyone out there who might have any BAD stories? Like NSI mixing up your domain or something? Or any type of domain story.
Justin S.
Justin Stayton - [email] [icq]
Adam Lysne posted this at 03:09 — 28th January 2000.
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I do not want to tell, because someone might go and buy it. I do not have that good of a reputation with NSI. I have purchased three domains in the past year, and paid for none of them. They all have gotten reset. I may pay for one though..that I want to keep.
Adam Lysne
[email protected]
AOL- FibrOptikL
AIM- f i b r Md
ICQ- 49384845
[email protected]
"Prepare yourself, it's da human beatbox"
soundtank posted this at 03:24 — 28th January 2000.
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only 3 unpaid domains ?
well, here's my story I was pissed off at NSI for letting a wanna-be hacker change my "paid" domain's info (the contact info and nameserver info - I guess the moron wanted my domain), good thing I found about it quickly. Anyway after that fiasco, I registered 80 domains last year and never paid any of them.. HAHA. and I mailbombed that wanna-be hacker's e-mail address, I mean he was so stupid that he used his dial-up e-mail account in my contact info. I guess he's still stuck with the 50,000 e-mail messages that I sent him. HAHA/ - moral of this story is don't change someone's domain info if you're going to get caught with it.
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Justin S posted this at 03:30 — 28th January 2000.
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Hmmm- that's an interesting story. I guess you can't not pay for domains now, since you HAVE to pay by cc, which I don't like at all. I don't bother with NetSol anymore though, I have found TotalNIC to be MUCH better! Just a question, why did you buy 80 domains and never pay for them?
Justin S.
Justin Stayton - [email] [icq]
soundtank posted this at 03:46 — 28th January 2000.
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I guess I was just very pissed off at that time and needed to vent out..
Anyway, you can still register domain names without paying for it. By using AHNET
Click here for AHNET's Domain registration website
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Justin S posted this at 03:53 — 28th January 2000.
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Wow- that's pretty cool! I didn't think there were any left. Anyway- anyone got any more domain name stories?
Justin S.
xrs posted this at 04:06 — 28th January 2000.
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A while back (Spring '99), a guy registered and set up a web site that had graphics from my site as well as's site as well as exact HTML coding that could be found on my site (the idiot even forgot to change the META Keywords and Description tags).
When I told him to lose the stolen graphics (I didn't really care so much about the HTML since it wasn't that big of a deal to me at the time), he went and attempted to hijack my domain (I'm not sure if he tried getting the domain too or not) but it took a while to fix the error since Network Solutions's lame domain modification system went ahead and changed the nameservers even though I promptly replied to the modification request saying "no" to any changes.
After a week or so of struggling to fix the error and losing valuable first-time visitors (this was the week after I officially opened XRS.NET), the problem was solved.
R Smith
The XRS Network | | [email protected]
R Smith
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Malte posted this at 11:23 — 28th January 2000.
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A year ago NS charged me $12000 although I had only registered one domain name. But I got all the money back
Justin S posted this at 21:12 — 30th January 2000.
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Haha- $12000? What, are they charging $32 per day now? Oh my gosh
Justin S.
Adam Lysne posted this at 03:05 — 31st January 2000.
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I registred them, in hopes of actually using the one domain was going good, then the workers quit and so forth. The second MP3 one I forgot about, and the third one, the site was down the 9th of Spetebmer, and then we quit on I never paid it. I am going to buy it and bring it back, but Iw ill not be able to do much work on my part.
Adam Lysne
[email protected]
AOL- FibrOptikL
AIM- f i b r Md
ICQ- 49384845
[email protected]
"Prepare yourself, it's da human beatbox"
fairhousing posted this at 09:33 — 31st January 2000.
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was the domain on the house after that $12,000 scare?
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Maverick posted this at 18:16 — 31st January 2000.
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There are potentially unlimited domains available, but it's getting harder and harder to get good ones. A few months ago I was toying with the idea of registering a few more just to have on ice for when I wanted them. Last night I decided to grab them and they were all gone. In most cases, not only had the domain been taken, but the and names too. Since it got cheaper to register it seems that names are disappearing faster than they used to. Maybe that's just a mis-conception and is attributable to the growth of the internet rather than falling prices. However, it doesn't really matter. Decent names are out there, but they disappear quickly. If you want one, grab it now because odds are it won't be around next week.
Justin S posted this at 19:53 — 31st January 2000.
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They probably didn't give you the name for free if it's NetSol. I like TotalNIC much better!
Anyway- what do you think the next big domain extension will be? I know .com will never go away, since it is the one most well know, but what about .st or .cc?
Justin S.
Justin Stayton - [email] [icq]
vy22 posted this at 10:35 — 1st February 2000.
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My friend and I just registered thought that was a good one. Also go and check out [url="http://www.web****"]www.web****[/url] its rather humerous.
vy22 posted this at 12:15 — 2nd February 2000.
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I forgot about the new censoring system!
Thats it spoilt now. Oh ****!
Justin S posted this at 14:57 — 2nd February 2000.
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Heh- yep. I think I can guess what your domain name is. Anyway- anymore interesting articles/stories?
Justin S.
Coddy posted this at 02:12 — 3rd February 2000.
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This is not a story, but just a comment.
Let's face it. The countdown has started. I guess in less than 2 years, nobody will be able to find a domain.
The main asset of a domain exept from it's actual name, is the domain extention. In my opinion...that's where all the money is.
Sooner or later NS will have to *promote* another extention. And you know what? It's all about promotion. Imagine If was is along with blah...Everyone knows an URL as blah's up to NS to promote a new extention. Along with NS, big companies should buy such domains in order to promote it...But...all the big companies have a .com in their pocket...
So...what's the Concusion?
I d say.....Wait...Wait and see...Com WILL be the most popular extention...The point is ....who's gonna be Number 2?
Justin S posted this at 14:54 — 3rd February 2000.
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Ah- interesting opinion. I agree with you, but I don't believe NSI will be the one to promote another domain extension. I would have to say .com .net and .org will be gone in a while, and people will be moving to the .web .firm .shop etc... once they launch.
Justin S.
Justin Stayton - [email] [icq]
geo posted this at 02:13 — 6th March 2000.
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i got for my biz sit when it starts.
geo posted this at 02:15 — 6th March 2000.
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oops poor spelling for my new professionally licensed sports store.
Travis posted this at 02:45 — 6th March 2000.
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I was starting a new site and found the domain to be available. Well I waited about 10 min after I found it to be available and then I decided to grab. The next thing I know it was registered. It was taken up that fast. Oh well.
Denmark 3 posted this at 02:57 — 6th March 2000.
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That is pretty quick.
~Parker Trasborg~
Formerly- ParkerT and sixflags111
Matt Kaufman posted this at 12:44 — 27th March 2000.
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Yeah, I have some great domain names! The best one is I have, and more, but the other ones are company names, which aren't too good.
There are still good domain names left, and I think .com and .net or .cc will be the most popular ext. 
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