Server Monitoring Script

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I have a few servers on the same LAN that will not be on all the time, and I was wondering if there is a small PHP or web-based script where I can see which ones are up and be able to send WOL packets to power one up if needed.

Being able to shut them down from the script would be a bonus.

Anyone know of a solution out there?

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Joined: Jul 2010

Why dont you use hyperspin or pingdom they are cheaper

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Joined: Oct 2010

Also there are some free php user custom scripts available for those who only have like 10 or 20 sites and they want to monitor.

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Joined: Apr 2011

hi,we can use socket programming for it which can solve the problem.using an IP addresses in script we can power on server whichever we needed so please go for socket programming for more details and also we can use java scripting for it.

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Joined: May 2011

i guess ipmi is a bit much for what you are looking for but anyways, here it goes

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Joined: Nov 2011

Monitoring server scripts provide real-time statistics and advertisement of your associates uptime. Visual representations such as bar archive and pie archive includes an overview of the software. Associates can accept account letters on its website.

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Joined: Feb 2010

Signup with hyperspin reseller program, you can brand it as your own and use it to monitor as many servers as you want.

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Joined: May 2013

whats the best free monitoring system that will allow me to monitor mem usage and all the server information remotely with graphs

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