
He has: 6 posts

Joined: Aug 2005

Well, I'm new in this 'Swiss Army Knife' in rewriting.
Basically I would like to rewrite url : that is actually is

this is what i wrote, in .htaccess that is located under /site/virtual/11/www/ :

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/product/(1-9)+/$ ^/product/?genId=$1

The page always display an 404 page..

But when I change to

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^product/(1-9)+/$ ^product/?genId=$1

Note: without slash in ^product..

The rewrite works fine.

But I see almost all mod_rewrite tutorial using :
RewriteRule ^/product/(1-9)+/$ ^/product/?genId=$1
With slash between ^ and product.
So .. I was curious, which is correct ?
With slash or without?

Busy's picture

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Joined: May 2001

Like everything there is more than one way to do this.

The first slash can force to root level but all your doing is changing the file in a folder, not the file in main folder.
would be easier IMO to do: which would be
don't understand why people use folders galore, is more work

He has: 6 posts

Joined: Aug 2005

So, in other words, my .htaccess is correct to this context?

mairving's picture

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All that the / does is to force it back to your document root. So links like this
/index.php index.php would both lead to the same place as long as your were in the root directory. If you were in a sub-directory, it would be different because the / would force it to look for the file in the document root, where the non-slashed version would cause it to look for the file in the sub-directory. The / version should work but it depends on where the mod_rewrite file is. Is it in the document root or in a sub-folder?

Mark Irving
I have a mind like a steel trap; it is rusty and illegal in 47 states

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