Microsoft Admits Passport Security Flaw

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Does anyone here use Microsoft Passport for their web business? If so, are you aware of the flaw that was discovered earlier this month? (I wasn't.)

The vulnerability is in the Passport function that allows users to request their forgotten passwords by email. Confused

One researcher found that by typing a specific Web address containing the phrase, "emailpwdreset", he could seize any person's Passport account and change the password.

More details are on these pages:,1282,48105,00.html

A technical analysis of other possible flaws can be found on this page:


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Joined: Feb 2001

No, I don't use it unless forced to. MS forces you to use Passport if you subscribe to any of their services. It is not suprising although it should be easy to fix.

Mark Irving
I have a mind like a steel trap; it is rusty and illegal in 47 states

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