Linux Replacement?
I have a windows 2003 sever with terminal service and such, enabling me & others to "remote desktop" to it, users (all having there own account with desktop etc) are able to log in and use it as if they where there. all at the same time. its running also a little web app that lets them use it with in a Internet browser window.
^ I'm not trying to be patronising
however as you all (need i say more?) i want some kind of Linux solution that will give me the same results and all of the same features that what i mentioned above. of corce they will have a Linux desktop I'm not bothered about that. but i must keep in mind that this sever will be used from public places such as library's and therefor i need as little as possible to be installed for the web app. the client computers will be normal be running windows.
Can anyone advise me on how to set this up?
PS i need to keep the system requirements low, its not the speedy of old things
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kb posted this at 02:43 — 2nd August 2007.
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You could very easily install something like Ubuntu Server Edition, run Apache on top if it (comes pre-installed by Ubuntu, and you can choose your favorite LAMP stack)...
After all of that, you can use SSL, FTP over SSL2, and a number of other very secure ways to access you filesystem, command line, and desktop.
Check it out...
daveclose posted this at 13:23 — 2nd August 2007.
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how would i go about making a script that i would put on the sever and then i would be able to view the/a desktop with in a browser window?
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kb posted this at 20:08 — 2nd August 2007.
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Look up tutorials on SSH and similar things, and you'll find all you need to know about logging in remotely.
teammatt3 posted this at 23:45 — 2nd August 2007.
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Remote desktop in Windows is about the same as VNC in Linux (it's pretty easy to setup and configure on Ubuntu). There are lots of tutorials on the web about it, just do a search for VNC on ubuntu. Remote Desktop on windows is quite a bit nicer, but VNC will work ok for you on Linux. I have a 1/2 meg VNC viewer on my Windows machine that I use to login to my linux server.
If you have any specific questions about VNC and setting it up, we can help, but I don't think anyone's going to walk you through it all the way on this forum. That's what those tutorials are for
daveclose posted this at 05:08 — 3rd August 2007.
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hehe yea. i have had experience of vnc under windows and a little on Linux, but does it allow me to use multiple accounts at the same time on a single computer
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JeevesBond posted this at 19:57 — 3rd August 2007.
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I can see what you're getting at Dave, Terminal services is not the same as VNC. What most people forget is that X (the windowing server in GNU+Linux) has Terminal Services functionality built-in.
So, on the server (bear in mind I've never done this myself):
Well now the VM I was using has blown up, it's probably something Canonical did as this is a development version of the next Ubuntu. Am loading up a new one now and will write another post with my findings...
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Abhishek Reddy posted this at 20:41 — 3rd August 2007.
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Actually, VNC does allow it, I think. All you need is for the server to create a new session (usually with a 'virtual' display) rather than open an existing one. I believe TightVNC is capable of this, for instance.
However, I've found setting up X11 forwarding, as Jeeves mentioned, easier, particularly when securing with SSH. Its default behaviour is to create new sessions, so you may want to go with that after all.
Alternately -- and this I haven't tried -- you may be interested in a more comprehensive package like ThinLinc.
daveclose posted this at 23:15 — 3rd August 2007.
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great thanks
I'm a bit busy at the moment, so i cant start right away
but i will keep you updated and any more suggestions / tips welcome of course
VISTA = Virus Infected System Totally Assed
JeevesBond posted this at 23:37 — 3rd August 2007.
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Hmmm, this is the bit am having problems with, would it be possible to use shared keys so an SSH session could be started without having to login? What I have in mind is the user doesn't even have to know they're using a thin client, the configuration of X on the terminals could skip logging in to the local machine and just go for the forwarded X instead (hope that explanation makes sense).
But how would that be possible over SSH? Given that you have to login using SSH before launching X, as mentioned, could it be done through shared keys?
Wow, this would be so interesting to setup!
Adding to the server setup instructions:
Test the server is working
On another computer, try the following to make sure X forwarding is working:
Am not certain of how to setup the X servers on the clients to use the X forwarding by default though. Plus I find Xnest to rather buggy (switching to another desktop seems to crash it). This should be enough for you to be getting along with though and maybe Abhi can enlighten us with some SSH knowledge.
*** EDIT ***
The reason you should do X forwarding over SSH is that xdmcp is rather insecure. If you choose not to use SSH make certain you've got a firewall between your internal network and the Internet!
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iHubNet posted this at 00:33 — 4th August 2007.
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CentOS or Fedora?
JeevesBond posted this at 03:55 — 4th August 2007.
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Neither, it's Ubuntu.
I just got this working with two VMs (my machine is not enjoying this). Have worked out how you need to change the configuration on the client:
Hope this helps, let us know how you get along (when you get around to sorting it).
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daveclose posted this at 09:00 — 4th August 2007.
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hehe, will do and thanks alot
daveclose posted this at 15:42 — 4th August 2007.
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:blush: should i install ubuntu server or just the normal one? you said desktop:confused: lol
im guessing server, seems to come with Linux Terminal Server Project
damn im sounding dum
VISTA = Virus Infected System Totally Assed
JeevesBond posted this at 18:26 — 4th August 2007.
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Yep, install the desktop one. The server install doesn't come with X, it's meant as a LAMP server.
Lot's of people mistakenly download the server version. Although if you have, just login at the terminal prompt and enter: [incode]sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop[/incode], then it's [incode]gdmstart[/incode] (or something like that, if that doesn't work just restart as I can't remember what the command is!)
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daveclose posted this at 14:01 — 5th August 2007.
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ok i have it all installed and have tested it with xnest and its all working perfectly
how would one connect to this via windows? some kind of XDMCP client. but i would need to make sure that it does not have to be installed. there for could work with public computers in librarys and such
VISTA = Virus Infected System Totally Assed
JeevesBond posted this at 16:51 — 5th August 2007.
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Try this.
Hmmm, don't understand this bit! Could you elaborate on what you mean?
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daveclose posted this at 21:05 — 5th August 2007.
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i and others will be connecting to the sever via windows i think i need some kind of XDMCP client on the windows machines. is that right?
the thing that i/others will use to connect to the sever will need to be able to run with out being installed on the the machine its being used on. (like vnc viewer)
what should i use? hope that explained it better
VISTA = Virus Infected System Totally Assed
JeevesBond posted this at 01:48 — 6th August 2007.
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No, that's fine. I understood you needed a Windows client, just didn't understand the last bit!
The project I linked to is an XDMCP client for Windows. It's Free software too. Have a look at a screenshot of it doing XDMCP stuff.
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daveclose posted this at 19:26 — 6th August 2007.
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JeevesBond posted this at 04:05 — 7th August 2007.
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Ah, well this is a problem for me. I don't use Windows so can't test the program! What happens? How far do you get and what error messages do you get back?
*** EDIT ***
Does it just show the login screen and no matter how many times you try to login it shows the same screen over and over?
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daveclose posted this at 17:10 — 8th August 2007.
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I go through the wizard the choosing right options and things, when it gets to the end the wizard closes the computer thinks (not HDD but busy cursor) and then nothing.
VISTA = Virus Infected System Totally Assed
daveclose posted this at 19:46 — 9th August 2007.
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Ive been fiddling around and if i selected indirect connection i get this screen (see attachment
but when i click on the sever and then connect i just get a blank x window session, and i then cant connect to that screen again unless i restart the sever:confused:
VISTA = Virus Infected System Totally Assed
JeevesBond posted this at 05:05 — 10th August 2007.
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Looking through their forums on sourceforge I can see one potential problem is the Microsoft firewall. Is the Windows XP firewall switched off on the computer you're trying to use it on?
You could also run it and create a logfile, so we can see what the problem is, try typing this into a command line:

C:\Program Files\Xming\Xming.exe :0 -logfile c:\Xming.0.log
'Then when it horribly fails to work, you can look at c:\Xming.0.log to see why.
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daveclose posted this at 10:00 — 10th August 2007.
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well its definitely not the XP firewall. i cant show you the log file as i VERY STUPIDLEY!!! deleted it and it does not seem to make a new one lol.
but after logging in ended up at this screen (see attachment)
the gray bit is some kind of error about the keyboard layout and which one i want to use. i logged in locally after i got that and got a keyboard error about xsession so i am assuming its the same. anyway it dident do anything after that and i could not click anything.
also i tried a new program "LinuxTSC" and i got slightly further i got the standard login screen
but the interesting bit
is when i first try to connect with Xming and that flails and just gives me the Xsession and then i try and connect with "LinuxTSC" it will give the the same Xsession which kind of leaves me that it is something to do with the sever setup 
VISTA = Virus Infected System Totally Assed
Abhishek Reddy posted this at 10:49 — 10th August 2007.
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That looks like a terminal. You should be able to type stuff into it. Suppose you want to run KDE, you might type [incode]startkde[/incode]. To test it, you could try running something like [incode]xclock[/incode].
If I'm right, then all you need to do on the server is set up your ~/.xinitrc file to execute whatever window manager or desktop environment program you want.
daveclose posted this at 11:21 — 10th August 2007.
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thanks for the reply, i tried typing stuff in but to no outcome.
if i move the cursor down a little more in the gray bit then it turns in to a normal cursor not the text one its as if there was buttons to press but clicking there does not do anything
EDIT: i can log in under a fail safe terminal and run things like xclock
but then i can run anything after that 
VISTA = Virus Infected System Totally Assed
JeevesBond posted this at 21:54 — 10th August 2007.
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Just tried this myself using VMs and all worked smoothly (see attached). Did you say that it shows the login window, then the screen goes blank when you put in your username/password, or does it not even get that far?
There are three possible problems that I can think of:
If it comes down to: 'some other networking problem', you might want to download Wireshark (probably useless trivia: unless you live in Germany where it's illegal) on the server. Just use [incode]Synaptic Package Manager[/incode] to download it, then setup a capture and have a look at what packets are being sent back and forth. This should reveal any networking issues, feel free to post it on here (but remove anything like external IP addresses etc. so you don't get cracked).
Am hopeful that the problem is option 2 though, and that you're logged in to the server and client with the same credentials.
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daveclose posted this at 22:40 — 10th August 2007.
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the problem wasn't 2 or 3 but amazingly 1, stupid windows GRR had turned it back on when i installed something
Could you tell me what ports i need to forward on routers etc for this is it just 177 ?
also what i need to do to turn windows firewall on but still let this through?
and do you think it will let you use this on public computer because of the firewall problem?
and then i have a different situation that i want to sort out sorry if this is all a bother
VISTA = Virus Infected System Totally Assed
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