Installing Cybersource
I did this on another server, but for some reason, it's now working on another server. I followed these directions perfectly and I am still getting a "Call to undefined function cybs_load_config()" error when I call one of the cybersource extensions (which I presume is in that .so file). When you add a PHP extension, is there something you have to do that isn't listed in that manual? I can't remember what I did differently on that other server.
teammatt3 posted this at 17:39 — 7th September 2007.
He has: 2,102 posts
Joined: Sep 2003
Apparently I have to do
/usr/sbin/setenforce 0
' and then it worked after I restarted apache. I read it hereohrana posted this at 14:40 — 29th October 2007.
They have: 156 posts
Joined: Sep 2006
You have found the way out yourself. Good for you and thanks for a link.
knorr posted this at 14:11 — 12th November 2007.
They have: 171 posts
Joined: Sep 2006
Thanks for a useful link.
ohrana posted this at 14:34 — 16th January 2008.
They have: 156 posts
Joined: Sep 2006
Nice tuts.
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