.htaccess question

They have: 68 posts

Joined: Jun 2006


Here's my problem.

I'm setting up an intranet that will be hosted on a server at the company it's for. In this intranet, there will be download folders accessible so that employees can drop files into them and they auto-appear using apache's auto-generated directories. I was able to customize the apperance using the .htaccess... but i have a new issue.

There are different folders for each department and i want each folder created in them to keep the same style. This isn't a problem, except with the logo i attached to the tops of the pages.

The above is the main folder for the Accounting department

This link is to a folder created inside that Accouting folder.

The same style applies and it has no problem picking up the HTM files from the other directory.. but i'm unsure how to get the image to transfer over without having to copy it into each folder.

Here's my .htaccess code:

# -FrontPage-

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from all
order deny,allow
deny from all
AuthName www.foothillsbaptist.org
AuthGroupFile /home/footh4/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp
Options +Indexes
   IndexOptions FancyIndexing SuppressDescription SuppressHTMLPreamble FoldersFirst
   HeaderName /header.htm
   ReadmeName /footer.htm
   IndexIgnore header.htm footer.htm .htaccess direclogo.gif
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/footh4/public_html

If anyone knows how to resolve this problem... it'd be much appreciated. Thanks.