htaccess idea what to do!

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Currently I want to do something when someone visits my site.

When someone comes to the URL: (without www)

I want them to be changed to: (with www).

I have searched around for ways of doing this with htaccess mod_rewrite or just plain redirection, can't find a thing. Thanks for your help!


druagord's picture

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Joined: May 2003

you could use mod_rewrite for that but i don't think it can be done in a htaccess file if you don't have access to the server config file. the easiest way is to have go to a different index file and have a redirect there. Another way would be to use javascript to detect the URL and redirect when necesary use this only as last resort.

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mairving's picture

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You can do it through mod_rewrite or if you have access to the http.conf file, you can redirect it.

So it can be done. My question is why do you want to do it? Generally when you setup your site, you will setup the DNS record to point to the and create an alias for the to point to the same place. It is not a good idea to have the www point to another IP address and can cause confusion. So can you tell the reason that it is setup that way?

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Mark Irving
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