FTP woes!

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Joined: Mar 1999

I signed up with a web host 2 weeks ago and after receiving my IP address a username/password, I tried to login. Error was 'Password not accepted'. So I asked the host what was wrong and they said I must be keying in wrong. After a dozen attempts, using CuteFTP and DOS ftp on different computers, and the host changing the password twice, I still can't get in. I am using the right IP address, and not keying in spaces or anything silly. Can someone tell me what could possibly be wrong? ANY ideas would be appreciated. I'm a student on a budget using ColdFusion, so simply changing the host may not be the best answer.

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Joined: Oct 1999

If you trust the folks in this forums post your IP address and login info and they may see if they can get logged in. I doubt anyone will be malicious or even post your email address so people that want to help you can email you asking for the login info.

Soon to come,

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Joined: Mar 1999

That would be great. My address is [email protected]

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Joined: Dec 1999

In most cases password is case sensitive therefore:
Password is not a same as password
it happen to me a couple of times

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Virtual Crawl your search is over!
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They have: 35 posts

Joined: Mar 1999

I've checked there are no spaces or caps where there shouldn't be. It's not a typo for sure.

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