First post - my first server :)

eva2000's picture

They have: 27 posts

Joined: May 2000

Hi this is my first post here...

I just got my first dedicated Red Hat Linux server from Rackspace using webmin.

I was wondering if there's any good resources on the net which are specific for using webmin, apart from the webmin site ?

Also how does one find out the server's load averages as i saw an earlier post here about them ?

Also i have this problem..

I setup a new virtual site on an IP address using webmin and set the home directory as


when i ftp to the IP address as the server and use 'user1' and the 'password1' i can upload and delete and do all the normal stuff in ftp.

Then i created 'user2' and set the home directory in webmin to

same as above - i want user2 to be able to only access the directory

/home/user1/ and no further...

my problem is 'user2' can not seem to upload or download or do anything with 550/553 permission denied errors ?

Does anyone have any solution or know of good resources for using webmin ? It's Webmin version 0.78


Australian Neon Genesis Evangelion

They have: 568 posts

Joined: Nov 1999

Glad to hear you didn't go with NT. Your server will thank you.

Go to they have some pretty good articles on basics or advanced server administration.

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