dedicated server (2)
it seems as though the first thread I posted cannot be found (404), so I dediced to repost. Sorry for not posting it in here from the start. Can anyone point me to instructions or tutorials on how to manage your own dedicated server ? It doesnt seem as though the "host" provides much more then what you pay for (the server) and at prices like $150 + per hour of support I can't afford to be e-mailing them questions every so often if I have a problem. I know they provide some sort of management software, but is there anything else I should know? Like how to analysis how the system resources are being used, and when to upgrade, and...just how to manage the whole server (and assess its performance). Any help would be appreciated.
Added - It will be an NT server
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[This message has been edited by Ravi Pachai (edited 18 June 2000).]