Connecting to another pc
A question please:
How can I connect to another pc through internt.
You guys told mE to use like pcAnywhere, but I download the software but didnt get how to use it.
You also sad that i should know my IP. How can I get this ibformation??
What is the steps I need to do ?
Thanks for answer.
mjames posted this at 22:56 — 23rd November 2000.
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PCAnywhere should come with some sort of manual. Did you try reading it? If not, you can probably get help from the PCAnywhere web site.
As for finding your IP address, I know there are ways to do this, but it has slipped my mind. Does anyone know how to do this?
chicken posted this at 23:19 — 23rd November 2000.
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START > RUN (near the bottom of the menu)...
Type: winipcfg
Is this what you're looking for?
NSS posted this at 00:43 — 24th November 2000.
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If I am not mistaken, You have to buy IP from your ISP. They usually sell in a block(30 ip in a block).
If you are setting up a networking(client/server)system and all clients can be online at the same time using one modem then you would want seperate ip for each client or one ip for all clients it will also work. It's how you configure you system and the type of server software you are using.
Jaiem posted this at 01:37 — 24th November 2000.
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NSS - You're not serious?
NSS posted this at 01:51 — 24th November 2000.
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Haha, Yes and No..... ISP only provide dynamic ip to users so how is anyone going to configure the IP for your system? You need static IP for remote client/server system.
[Edited by NSS on Nov. 23, 2000 at 09:01 PM]
mbsoares posted this at 11:21 — 24th November 2000.
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At lleast the IP number I sucssed. (thanks Chiken).
But take in consideration that I am a normal user pc guy.
I downloaded pcAnywhere and read all the instruction but couldnt understand a thing.
Would that be a easier software, for beginners like me.
Or a way to do it.
Thanks again
NSS posted this at 12:52 — 24th November 2000.
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Can you let us know why you need to connect to your home computer when you are abroad? Maybe some of us can help or recommend the correct tools or software if we know the reason.
[Edited by NSS on Nov. 24, 2000 at 08:07 AM]
mbsoares posted this at 14:08 — 24th November 2000.
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The reason is to access documents (images, sounds, html,...files)
And, if possible, to use some softwares that are instaled in my home computer (ex: photoshop, dreamweaver,...)
Jaiem posted this at 14:58 — 24th November 2000.
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NSS - Good point. Guess all that turkey slowed my brain.
BTW, though I'm not an expert on laplink/pcanywhere etc. I don't think they need a dedicated IP to work.
mbsoares posted this at 15:03 — 24th November 2000.
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but what do you mean,
how i gona get inside my computer through the internet.
NSS posted this at 15:11 — 24th November 2000.
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neither am I,
mbsoares posted this at 15:45 — 24th November 2000.
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I guess only CHICKEN can help me.
How ????????????
Jaiem posted this at 19:17 — 24th November 2000.
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MB - Go to a computer store and look at the box for Laplink or pcAnywhere. From what you desacribe I'm 99% sure one of them is what you're looking for.
You might also be able to find a freeware package a
chicken posted this at 22:25 — 24th November 2000.
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I am far from an expert on remote networking pcs, just so you know, but...
First, so what is your plan? Just before you leave, you are going to connect to your ISP via a dialup/dsl/cable modem? The discussion about IPs is crucial, since without one you won't be able to access your computer remotely.
Where it gets hairy: When you dialup/connect generally, but not always, you are assigned a temporary IP address (dynamic), which sometimes will remain your IP address for the duration of your connection *or* sometimes changes mid-session. Yep, your IP address could change while you are connected.
Requesting a dedicated IP address from your ISP would solve this problem (or at least figuring out if your IP address changes everytime, and/or during your sessions). You do not have to buy a block of 30, they will provide you with one for around $5/mo (which is insanely expensive by the way, as far as IP costs go).
Your provider isn't going to be all that thrilled with you leaving the connection active, so don't mention this, and it isn't to run a server (in case they ask, since it is most often against their TOS).
Once you get all of this squared away you can use the programs mentioned to do what you need to do, but it is nothing I use, so I can't help you there. It should (in theory) be explained in the help portion of the program (getting started, etc.). Hope this helps a bit anywhoo.
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Celstk855 posted this at 23:06 — 29th November 2000.
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I have been using Windows Netmeeting to allow me to take control of my Sister PC for Maintenance and troubleshooting.
I have tried PCAnywhere but it costs and is cumberson with lots of bells and whistles...
My only concern is that Netmeeting may not be as secure...Im not sure.
I use it for video conference and when I take control of the remote desktop, I simply stall the video send and can still comunicate via voice with the other user whilst conducting the changes....this is a much added advantage than the chat window provided in PCAnywhere...
hope this helps...remember Netmeeting is free and provides the lot - just maybe not the security... the way the file transfer rates in Netmeeting are depedent on your ISP connection so if you have 250Kbps thats what you get, with PCAnywhere - if you can get ISP connection, good but I could only get landline at 1.4Kbps...very slow...
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