Comprehensive guide on setting up Linux Server
I'm looking for information on how to set my own linux server from zero.
I have very little knowledge on this, and am looking to explore areas to get a better understanding as a web designer.
If anyone knows any tutorial's or a maybe a list of items needed to start please list here.
thank you
pr0gr4mm3r posted this at 02:34 — 25th August 2010.
He has: 1,502 posts
Joined: Sep 2006
Here are some articles of use from our own article site:
How to Build a Home/Small Business Web Server in no Time
SSH: It's really not that scary
When I setup my first Linux server, I followed this article:
The Perfect Server - Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (Ubuntu 10.04) [ISPConfig 2]
(I actually followed the one for Ubuntu 6.06, but this is more up to date
per440 posted this at 17:19 — 6th October 2010.
They have: 11 posts
Joined: Oct 2010
Also i suggest that you try to use Mandriva as to get some idea of the Linux then you can jump to Fedora, Ubuntu or SUSE
micky123 posted this at 06:59 — 12th October 2010.
They have: 3 posts
Joined: Oct 2010
i suggest that you try to use Mandriva as to get some idea of the Linux then you can jump to Fedora, Ubuntu or SUSE
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SEO Company posted this at 08:40 — 3rd August 2011.
They have: 59 posts
Joined: Aug 2011
I use Ubuntu for build servers and test servers. If you use the server install you will get a very small initial install. Then you can use aptitude from the command line to install anything you want to add.
hjgj posted this at 11:58 — 23rd March 2012.
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I use Ubuntu for server and I think Ubuntu is best for desktop and for server. I am using Ubuntu from past 3 years
tanya.dimple posted this at 16:01 — 5th April 2012.
They have: 4 posts
Joined: Mar 2012
Yes Ubuntu will be the best server as per my knowledge, complexity will be more compared with other distros.
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