Backing Up A Database...

Roo's picture

She has: 840 posts

Joined: Apr 1999

Okay excuse my ignorance.....but I really don't know anything about backing up a database.

To back up a MySql database, so I use the export option? Can I save the database to my hard drive this way?

Does exporting leave the database intact on the server? (God that sounds like a dumb question!)

If this isn't it, then how to I get a backup copy on my hard drive?


Abhishek Reddy's picture

He has: 3,348 posts

Joined: Jul 2001

Are you using phpMyAdmin? I'll assume you are. Smiling

Yes, exporting usually is how you make a backup. It's like a "Save As" operation. It will not touch the database, only copy it. When you hit the "Go" button on the Export page, you'll be offered a download, which will be the database's exported file, that you can save to disk.

You can export it in several formats; stick with SQL, CSV or XML for portability. That is, the database in exported form is basically a text file (like HTML is), and it will have it be read back in if you try to import the backup. SQL, CSV and XML are easily read in, whereas LaTeX, PDF, Excel, etc may not be.

Hope that helps. Smiling

Roo's picture

She has: 840 posts

Joined: Apr 1999

Thank you!

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