Apache on Windows 2000/XP a guide on installation
Download the latest PHPtriad PHPTriad for Windows installs a PHP server environment on Windows platforms. The basic installer installs PHP, MySQL, Apache and PHPMyAdmin. The most recent version of PHPTriad is 2.1 and was released at the end of May, 2001.
- 1) You will need to configure a file called httpd.conf at "C:\apache\conf". You will need to open it with notepad or your favorite editor. I am going to explain you step by step to edit it. Also, I am going to explain you why to edit them so you can edit them to enable or disable on your own in the future. The next step is going to begin to search, edit and replace few lines.
2) Find "ServerAdmin [email protected]" replace it to your email address. You better put your email because when someone got problem with your server and they will see your email, so they can contact you.
3) Find "ServerName" or "#ServerName localhost" replace it to "ServerName localhost". There has very clearly explain in this file when you find "ServerName", so I don't need to explain about it.
4) Find "DirectoryIndex index.html" and replace it to "DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php index.php3 index.phtml index.shtml index.cgi index.pl". It's for where file you want it to be in front page on domain.com. Common always has index.html as the front page. I added a lot of those, so I don't need to edit this file again. It's in the order, which will recognize index.html first then index.pl at the last.
5) Find "Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews" and replace it to "Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes" if you want SSI (Server Side Includes) enable, unless you want keep it disabled. If you do want SSI then change your order of index's in the previous set to make index.shtml the first.
6) Find "AllowOverride None" right after "Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews" (above) and replace it to "AllowOverride All" to have the ability control the .htaccess files to override in directories, unless you want keep it uncontrolled.
7) Find "ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/cgi-bin/"" and add "ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"" right after it. This will enable the PHP in your Apache Server. You don't have to add it if you don't wish to add PHP.
Find " # And for PHP 4.x, use:" and add 2 lines, "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml" and "AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps" right after it. It will make Apache Server able to accept and view files with the extentions php, php3 and phtml. Again, you don't have to add it if you do not wish to add PHP.
9) Find "#AddHandler cgi-script .cgi" and replace it to "AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl". Reason why I added ".pl", is so Apache Server will accept and able to view either files with extentions of either cgi and pl as perl files. If you do not do this your .pl scripts will be an unreconized file extention and your users will be prompted to download the file instead of view it as a page. You can add or make up like ".blah" and it will still view as normal like cgi and pl files.
10) Find "#AddType text/html .shtml" and replace it to "AddType text/html .shtml". It will enable SSI, so you can leave it as disabled if you don't wish to enable SSI.
11) Find "#AddHandler server-parsed .shtml" and replace it to (add two lines) "AddHandler server-parsed .shtml" and "AddHandler cgi-script .shtml". It will enable the server to render both normal html based includes aswell as cgi scripts, so you can leave it as disabled if you don't wish to enable SSI.
12) Find "# Format: Action handler-name /cgi-script/location" and add "Action application/x-httpd-php /php/php.exe" right after it. It need to local where the PHP's directory, so it will able to view the PHP files. You don't have to add it if you don't want to have PHP in your Apache Server.
- 1) Run winmysqladmin.exe at "C:\apache\mysql\bin".
2) After, you run this winmysqladmin.exe you should see the first thing is user and password. You create your localname (user) and password. You will have to remember it if you want something to run mySQL on your website.
3) Exit winmysqladmin.exe.
jonnyblaze posted this at 10:12 — 18th September 2001.
They have: 9 posts
Joined: Sep 2001
Hi Keegan, that was an awesome descript and has been very helpful. I have kind of a lame newbie question, and I think I just messed something up somewhere, but here goes. Ok, I just installed Apache on Win2K server(yes I knw...M$ bad) but, I can't seem to get anyone outside to view my web site. I have DNS pointing at my static IP on the server, apache is configured, so I thought, but doesn't allow anyone to view. Am I missing something? I am also using zonealarm, jst as FYI. I have used xitami web server also, and have never had any problems with it, but I have heard good things about Apache, so decided to try. I have successfully used Apache in the past, not on this system. But on another server in my office. It too just one day stopped letting the publc view the pages, so I went back to xitami. Any advice you have or follow up questions, please let me know. Thanks in advance for any help.
P.S. If anyone has any ideas...feel free to help too! Thanks
Keegan posted this at 13:30 — 18th September 2001.
They have: 300 posts
Joined: Aug 2001
Jonny do you know that your ISP is not blocking port 80 on their network?
I read where some Admins were blocking port 80 on their network soon after the Code red hit.
SigHost Project
jonnyblaze posted this at 19:06 — 18th September 2001.
They have: 9 posts
Joined: Sep 2001
Thanks for the reply Keegan. I checked port 80, my ISP has been pretty good about not doing that. I acutally think I found out what happened. It appeared I may have not been patient enough. I think the propagation wasn't fully completed. Because as of this morning, everyone can view the site. And then we have the nimba virus...joy joy. Keep your head up, and thanks for the help.
Keegan posted this at 00:57 — 19th September 2001.
They have: 300 posts
Joined: Aug 2001
Glad ya found it.
I just moved 6 domains over the last two days and it took 26 hours for them to resolve.
east coast noc (register.com) to a canadian noc
SigHost Project
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