Adding CPU Quota to Server

pr0gr4mm3r's picture

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Joined: Sep 2006

I've seen websites suspended before for exceeding their "CPU Quota". That is not a feature I'm familiar with, so is this something that is available anywhere?

teammatt3's picture

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I don't think you can set CPU quotas for just regular Apache virtual hosts. The processes would have no idea which virtual host is using the CPU at that instance. All the processes are being executed by the same user.

I believe you would need to setup your server to have virtual private servers for your clients. Something like OpenVZ will allow you to setup VPSs.

pr0gr4mm3r's picture

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I am running suPHP and Web Host Manager can cell me who is using the resources on any given I just need some software that monitors it in more real time and take immediate action if needed.

teammatt3's picture

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Joined: Sep 2003

Well that's cool. I guess using suPHP clears up who is running what process.

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