Accessing Web Site Via IP

They have: 12 posts

Joined: Jun 2007

I signed up for a new virtual server and was surprised to learn that I could not access the site using the IP address. I'm moving my web site to this new provider and need to do some testing on it before I 'flip' the domain name IP switch - now I'll have to activate a temp domain name to point to it so I can test the site.

The support dept told me their servers are not setup to access via the IP because this is hit and miss thing...aka not reliable. Is this true? I've never heard of this before.


pr0gr4mm3r's picture

He has: 1,502 posts

Joined: Sep 2006

You can't access your site via the IP address because your host uses something called name virtual host. What you might be able to do it access the site by trying a link like this: http://123.456.789.01/~username where '123.456.789.01' is your IP address, and 'username' is the account of the website you're accessing. This only works with Apache I believe.

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