
They have: 426 posts

Joined: Feb 2005

Hi All,

I am having some issues with attaching Events in IE.

I use the below to attach or addEvent depending on the browser:

} else {

But I am getting errors in IE with the window.attachEvent?

Any ideas the error is: "Object doesn't support this property or method" on the line with the window.attachEvent.

Any ideas?

teammatt3's picture

He has: 2,102 posts

Joined: Sep 2003

Can you provide a link to the page where this code is no functioning? The code you show here looks fine.

Or you might consider using a JavaScript framework to abstract away all the IE "features". I use jQuery. All you would need to write is:


He has: 629 posts

Joined: May 2007

Hmm. I'd expect problems in non-IE browsers, as the obj.addEventListener() requires the event type to be spelled without the "on" prefix. Personally, I'd go with window.load = onloadfunction; myself...

@teammatt3 - benf may have a reason to wait until the page is completely loaded--the jQuery "ready" function fires when the DOM is complete, but before all resources have downloaded. A subtle but important difference.

Cordially, David
delete from internet where user_agent="MSIE" and version < 8;

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