Why aren't my images showing up?
if you look at the write up, the thumbnails work fine and dandy but when you go to click on them for a larger view the images don't show up. The images are all in the right folder, and they're all working if you just go directly to that link... the links are even pointing to them perfectly. It works on my computer but not online. Javascript error maybe?
kb posted this at 19:51 — 17th August 2004.
He has: 1,380 posts
Joined: Feb 2002
I had the same issue just a week ago.
Check to make sure the extensions are correct. Meaning, the thumbnail might be a .jpg but the actual picture could be .JPG. It makes a difference.
Roo posted this at 21:03 — 17th August 2004.
She has: 840 posts
Joined: Apr 1999
Your images are named okay, because I can see them when I paste the url to them directly into the browser.
The issue seems to be in the script.......Your opening imgae files but the script is looking for pimg.htm. That's the error message that comes up:
"The requested URL /pimg.htm was not found on this server."
You have this line in the script itself:
return window.open("pimg.htm", imgWinName, winFeatures)
Try removing "pimg.htm" from the script and see what happens.
crazyjim posted this at 11:02 — 19th August 2004.
He has: 6 posts
Joined: Aug 2004
Oh man you are the man!!! I had the pimg.htm file on my hard drive, which is why it worked there but not online. As soon as I read that I remembered to upload it...
thanks everyone for the help
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