What is the best webpage layout? - looking for a good layout for my webpage
That's what I'm looking for, people's opinions. Do you have a layout you like the most?
That's what I'm looking for, people's opinions. Do you have a layout you like the most?
Joseph Bannon posted this at 02:07 — 19th October 1999.
They have: 178 posts
Joined: Sep 1999
What is the best webpage layout? Don't just tell me, give me a url if you know of an example.
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JP Stones posted this at 03:06 — 19th October 1999.
They have: 2,390 posts
Joined: Nov 1998
There really is no such thing as an 'ideal' layout as people's perception of such a thing differs per each individual...
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Anonymous posted this at 18:32 — 19th October 1999.
They have: 5,633 posts
Joined: Jan 1970
Here are a few good sites:-
[email protected]
Craig Holatko posted this at 20:49 — 19th October 1999.
They have: 42 posts
Joined: Apr 1999
I happen to think my layout is pretty cool
- indigo-onion.com
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