Webmaster forums layout
hey everyone, hows everyone doing ?
i am learner and i was wondering how to make a layout like the one Webmasterforums has, i am talking about the white centred page and shadows on its sides i tried to make a page that was black and has a white centred page with shadows on its sides using tables but the page was not exactly like webmasterforums the page was a bit lower from the top.
Thanks in advance .
Megan posted this at 22:15 — 28th October 2009.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
Do you have Firebug on your Firefox? It would probably be best to use that to invstigate how it all works.
Basically, the dark grey background is on the body tag. Then we have 3 containing divs: the right shadow as a background image, the right shadow as a background image, and the centre white area. The first containing div has a margin: 0px auto to make it centered.
It's messy to have to do it with all these background images. If browser support for box-shadow was better we wouldn't need them.
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