.wav files and MACs....

They have: 7 posts

Joined: Nov 2002

Hello group -
Using Dreamweaver I was able to create an effect where a wav file is played with a mouseover on a graphic.

The wav file won't play on MAC computers.

The code that Dreamweaver inserts within the is:


Can anyone tell me if this code can be adapted to allow the MAC user to play the wav file on mouseover?


Mothers of the world unite - spank your sons and make them quit fighting.

Suzanne's picture

She has: 5,507 posts

Joined: Feb 2000


I personally think Flash or mp3 is the way to go, but you can also serve .aiff files to mac if you want, instead of .wav. Or leave our ears be!

Note: it's not possible to tell what a function does without seeing the actual function.

They have: 7 posts

Joined: Nov 2002

hi susan...

thanks for the tips... i would have gotten back to you sooner, but it seems this script does not send an email when someone replies to a post... even though i checked that option...

this is a wave file because it is a sound effect... it is the sound of a clapboard clapping when the mouse passes over it... the clapboard starts out open, mouseover causes it to close with a "clap!"...

i couldn't point you to the actual site because it's against the rules to post a url, even if it points to a problem that would best be explained with a real-time visual inspection...

however, if you are curious, i can email the url to you...

best wishes,

Mothers of the world unite - spank your sons and make them quit fighting.

Mothers of the world unite - spank your sons and make them quit fighting.

Suzanne's picture

She has: 5,507 posts

Joined: Feb 2000

Against what rules?

.wav is pc, .aiff is mac, you would have to serve the file in a different format to macs, or use Flash. Flash is by far the most common solution.

They have: 7 posts

Joined: Nov 2002

thanks susan,

no... i got the rules mixed up with another forum which doesn't allow it's subscribers to post any urls leading to the site in quesion...

at any rate... i am working on a flash solution at your suggestion...

meantime, it would be nice if the browser developers would get it all together... Smiling


Mothers of the world unite - spank your sons and make them quit fighting.

He has: 1,380 posts

Joined: Feb 2002

use .mp3 ...free, cross-platform


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