<ul> tag and css

He has: 8 posts

Joined: Nov 2005


I got a question about the

    (X)HTML display's the element (tag) as block.
    That means that, if I have 2 unordered list (
      ), the browser will
      display them top of eachother. Now I want to change that to an inline display.
      Something like that:

- list - list
- list - list
- list - list

Is that possible?
I try this but it did't work for me.
ul.list {display:inline}'


Renegade's picture

He has: 3,022 posts

Joined: Oct 2002

You'll probably want to float them. One to the left, and one to the right.

If that doesn't work, try putting them inside a DIV and then floating the DIVs.

He has: 8 posts

Joined: Nov 2005

it works. I had to make some changes but it seems to work fine in Firefox, Opera and
even IE.
I thought that It will work with inline but it seems that it does't. Oke Thx.

02bunced's picture

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Joined: May 2005


ul li {display: inline; }

He has: 8 posts

Joined: Nov 2005


I try that, but not with enough satisfaction.
But when I test it wiht more unordered list's I came with a conclusion
that it will work when I see the

    as a block... So the way that I've treid
    and the way that 02bunced explaind is correct.
    CSS- code
    ul li {display: inline;}


<li>LIST A1</li>
<li>LIST A2</li>
<li>LIST B1</li>
<li>LIST B2</li>
<li>LIST C1</li>
<li>LIST C2</li>
<li>LIST D1</li>
<li>LIST D2</li>

The output is:

    * LIST A1     * LIST A2
    * LIST B1     * LIST B2
    * LIST C1     * LIST C2
    * LIST D1     * LIST D2

So you can use float to work this out, thx Renegade.
And you can do it wiht inline.
I'm happy again.

Roo's picture

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Just curious...does it validate that way? I mean wrapping with

      with no closing tags in the parent ul container?

robfenn's picture

He has: 471 posts

Joined: Jun 2005

Haven't you answered your question there Roo? It must close to be valid.

He has: 8 posts

Joined: Nov 2005

I just edit it. I think that it is valid now, Roo.

Renegade's picture

He has: 3,022 posts

Joined: Oct 2002

There is an article on Alistapart on what you're trying to do:

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