Is there anyways to find the actual height & apply it to CSS?

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Joined: Nov 2006

Dear membrs

Is there anyways to find the actual height & apply it to CSS?

I have 100% height problems in my DIV & CSS design. So I was wondering if there is a script that I can use to find the actual height of every page and apply it to the DIVs in the page...


Gannyaa's picture

He has: 7 posts

Joined: Jan 2007

Yes, there is a way to detect browser height but that's javascripting....

You seem to want a CSS fix more than a script...
I'm running into the same problem... with IE 7 rending height.
So try

min-height: 300px;


height: auto;

They work for me. (if you put them in the right div tag)

JeevesBond's picture

He has: 3,956 posts

Joined: Jun 2002

What was the problem exactly? Often you can cheat and--using background images--create the illusion of 100%

Is it 100% height you're looking for, or a sidebar that is always as tall as the content?

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