Simple onMouseOver script

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I have created the onMouseOver but I don't know how to declare variables on the fly using javascript.

Here is the script I have so far.

<script language="javascript">
var bDoesDHTML = ( (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0)&&
   (navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1) >= 4) )


function doSection(secNum){
if (bDoesDHTML){
if (secNum.className=="off"){secNum.className="on";

secNum varies from 1 to 7. I could write this 7 times but that doesn't seem like the right thing to do. Using ASP I would create a variable and write it as "Sec" & secNum & "Gif" which would create the image name for each one. How would I do this in javascript? I'm assuming under the function is where it would go.

Thanks for your help.

I could create an ASP array but that also doesn't seem right. Is it?

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Joined: Jul 2001

I think this is along the lines of what you're asking.

You can refer to images in the DOM array as document.images[x].yadda

You can also refer to the image name as document.images["blarg"].yadda

So since you're passing secNum as an integer, you can reference document.images["Sec" + secNum + "Gif"].yadda dynamically. This is faster than using the eval() function to compile the string you would use in place of "images[x]".

As long as you want all seven images to turn into "Closed.gif" as you reference it, you're golden. However, you do have to define seperately each individual image element if you want Sec1Gif, Sec2Gif, etc. to each use a different image.

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Thank you.

I am very close to making it work, but I don't know how to find out what the variable secNum is. I tried to document.write(secNum) but that wrote [object] which doesn't seem to be right. I thought it was a number (1-7) but it's not.

How would I write the secNum?

Thanks again for any help.

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How are you calling the function doSection? You should be calling it as onMouseOver="doSection(x)" where x is an integer.

Can you post a line of code that is your image tag and the that causes the mouseover?

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Thank you for your help.

<td width="150" valign="top"><SPAN onClick="doSection(Sec1)"><img src="Closed.gif" name="Sec1Gif">&nbsp;<b>Links</b></SPAN><br>
<DIV CLASS="off" ID="Sec1">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4" border="0">
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Then reference it as document.images[secNum + "Gif"].yadda

Should then translate to document.images["Sec1Gif"].yadda

Since you're apssing a string value, rather than an integer value:

a) you need single quotes around the string to justify it as one
b) you don't need to add double quotes around the string you're passing in the images[x] section.

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Joined: Apr 2000

Thank you for the help, but I have a new problem when I do that. The problem is because it's not being passed as a string which is what makes the function run correctly. It's looking for secNum which is a variable that obviously changes for each section. 'Sec1' is not a valid variable that is recognized within this function.

Again I am an ASP developer so I really don't know too much about javascript. I'm sorry if this is a lot of questions.

Below is the code I have written now and you can see where the variables are being sent. Where should I go from here?

&lt;script language="javascript"&gt;
var bDoesDHTML = ( (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0)&&
   (navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1) >= 4) )


function doSection(secNum){
if (bDoesDHTML){
if (secNum.className=="off"){secNum.className="on";
document.images[secNum + "Gif"].src='Open.gif'}
document.images[secNum + "Gif"].src='Closed.gif'}

<table width="150" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="MainTable">
<td width="150" valign="top"><SPAN onClick="doSection('Sec1')"><img src="Closed.gif" name="Sec1Gif">&nbsp;<b>Links</b></SPAN><br>
<DIV CLASS="off" ID="Sec1">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4" class="InsideTable">
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