Rollover links - HELP :)

They have: 9 posts

Joined: Dec 1999

Could somebody tell me how to make a link become a different colour and become underlined when the cursor is over it.


They have: 314 posts

Joined: Nov 1999

paste this into your <head> and </head>

<style type="text/css">
A:link { text-decoration: underlined; }
A:visited { text-decoration: underlined ; }
A:hover { text-decoration: underlined;color: Red }

does this help?

Thomas Minton
The JavaScript Place
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They have: 9 posts

Joined: Dec 1999

that code worked well but the link starts off underlined so is it possible to have the link not underlined before the cursor moves over it and then underlined when the cursor is over the link??

Thanks your help is most appreciated

How do i add a flash 4.0 movie to a web page is it just like aa image??

They have: 152 posts

Joined: Dec 1999

to make it without the underline alone do this:

<style type="text/css">
A:link { text-decoration: none; }
A:visited { text-decoration: none; }
A:hover { text-decoration: underlined;color: Red }

Hope this help.

-RJ D'Angelo
D'Angelo Web Design

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