Programming language???

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hello, good day!!!!!!!
what is the difference between html and javascript?
which program is easier to use????

pr0gr4mm3r's picture

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Javascript is a programming (or scripting) language. HTML is not.

Best way to explain this is Javascript can do a computation, like 2 + 2. HTML has no operation functions - it only defines styling. So, HTML is a standard for markup.

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pr0gr4mm3r is right, some examples are C++, PHP

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html is needed to create static websites, whereas you need to learn javascript to add functionality to the website. you need to learn both.

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html is user language, php and javascript are server language (not sure about java)

shashi22's picture

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The java is a platform independent language and case sensitive language so it also use tomcat and Apache server.

{links removed}

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computer programmers use programming language to create a applications of web and addition set of instructions for a computer to execute. computer language is the machine language that uses binary cipher which run actual fast, but is tedious and complex. There are lots of programming language Like, Java, fortress and C++.

shashi22's picture

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I think html is easier as compared to javascript because html is a hyper text markup language
and easy to handle the code of html programming language.

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{quote removed}

HTML is the basic code for websites, it can use JavaScript to do additional superior.

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Thanks for advice before that i used to consider html as a programming language even i reply on one forum discussion that html is web development programming language as it create hyper text which is displayed on web.

But now you are right we cannot do 2+2 in html so it is not a programming language. I really appreciate your help.... cheers...

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I am totally agree with this statement that html is needed to create static websites, whereas you need to learn javascript to add functionality to the website. you need to learn both.

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If you are learn both then one is easy and second is so tough for beginner.

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If you are learn both then one is easy and second is so tough for beginner.

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Javascript is a programming (or scripting) language. HTML is not.

Best way to explain this is Javascript can do a computation, like 2 + 2. HTML has no operation functions - it only defines styling. So, HTML is a standard for markup.

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Javascript is a one of the best programming language and I like to use only javascript. Really It is a very simple and easy to use.


creater's picture

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Html is a coding language and Java is a script language. In which we use make many programming scripts..

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HTML language is used to develop static pages in website..
JavaScript is used to develop dynamic pages and JavaScript is also used for get input in web pages as like registration and login..

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Javascript is a my favourite programming language and it is very simple as well as nice programming language. Javascript is a very easy to learn and it is very useful for web designer.

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When designing site use both java script and html script, Google will crawl java script in middle use html script in seo process it will help ful.

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HTML is the best way to create static web pages, as you need to learn JavaScript to add functionality to the website. you need to learn much.

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Well, I prefer Java Programming language. But, html is very easy to learn and understand. Although HTML looks a little scary at first sight, it is quite simple. It is a markup language, because it basically augments the page text with some features. For archetype this argument will be bolded will accomplish the argument bold. It in fact does a little more, by acceptance you to transform some of the argument in links, gives you a way to insert images and other media types and many more.

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hello, good day!!!!!!!
what is the difference between html and javascript?
which program is easier to use????

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You can use validation in html but in javascript you can use client side validation.
HTML is use create a layout for websites and javascript is use to make this layout more effective.

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Bot are similar but JAVASCRIPT is actually a web addapted version of actual programming code. They are both of type of code but html is not a coding language Smiling

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Html creates your content and page while javascript designs your page.

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I think html is easier as compared to javascript because html is a hyper text markup language
and easy to handle the code of html programming language.

Priyank Mehta's picture

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HTML is hypertext markup language, used to create web pages,
javascript is also a scripting language, but it can create much better pages, dynamic pages, etc

dawidtailor's picture

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Priyank Mehta wrote:
HTML is hypertext markup language, used to create web pages,
javascript is also a scripting language, but it can create much better pages, dynamic pages, etc

I think you give some best example so everyone can understand very clearly and its also help for use.They can easily choose the which is best for use so try to explain more for clear understanding.

robertflicks's picture

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Wow participating in this thread is really very good for me. It was really very informative discussion going on here and I get solved all my queries and problem in understanding the difference and importance of HTML and JavaScript. From above these great discussion it has been proved that HTML is the basic and the important one to learn first, its very necessary.

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Nice discussing!
It is very helpful for me .
Thanks to all.

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HTML is hypertext markup language, used to create web pages, But java script is scripting and programming language, which can create much pages, dynamic pages, calculations etc .

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HTML is basically use to create for static sites and java script is use to create dynamic sites. but today's use mostly PHP.

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