Problems about frames

They have: 1 posts

Joined: Aug 2010

Hello, I have made a website called and I have two frames on the first page, the top and main frames there working well but I have found out something, which is that if you go to another page and click homepage it will take you to the INDEX PAGE ading on another frame, so does anyone know if there is a way so the the frame knows when to add on a frame and not so if your going to the homepage for a secound time it will not add on another top frame.

P.S: I know if I go to the other pages and change it so it takes you to the homepage.html instead of index.html but the reason why that im not doing that is beause I need to get better at code and as well im not going to change the page link on all 192 pages!

P.S.S: Here is a diagram of what it looks like when you go on it for the secound time


and I want it to look like this


Thank you

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

Hi gamerbox,

I haven't used frames in ages so I can't be of much help, except to suggest that this article might interest you:

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