nike_guy_man posted this at 19:08 — 7th April 2001.
I am using this code to have my link open in a new popup:
But when I click the link for that, it opens a smaller, new window, but says 404 file not found
when I copy and paste the URL from that, it finds the site just fine
What's wrong?
Adam Oberdorfer posted this at 20:29 — 7th April 2001.
They have: 383 posts
Joined: Sep 2000
Do you have a URL?
Suzanne posted this at 22:46 — 7th April 2001.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
You have to have quotes around the url for the href, and the default for all the extras in the JavaScript is no, so just put the one(s) you want to enable. No spaces in the third set, either.
P.S. There are a number of tuts on popup windows at -- see for links and the compiled script that works.
nike_guy_man posted this at 00:57 — 8th April 2001.
They have: 840 posts
Joined: Sep 2000
thanks... problem fixed
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