pop up before someone exits site

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Does anyone know of a way to place a redirect to a pop up window with a survey before someone exits a site? I don't want the poll to appear until they try leaving the site.


Vincent Puglia's picture

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what's wrong with onUnload="popsurvey()" (within the body tags)

Vinny GrassBlade: cut&paste javascript

[This message has been edited by Vincent Puglia (edited 05 February 2000).]

Where the world once stood
the blades of grass cut me still

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Forced pop-ups when people are trying to leave? Why not just insult them and ask them never to return, it'll accomplish the same purpose.

If you want to incorporate surveys into your site, do it. They can be fun and interesting, but they have to be VOLUNTARY. People are not going to appreciate being forced to close out some extra window that you're opening up on them without their permission. Heck, if you like stuff like that, go whole hog. Add a javascript confirm on every page and open a pop-up ad banner or 5 everytime somebody closes any window. Just make sure you post your URL here first so I can make sure I never stumble in by accident.

Forced pops like that or like javascript confirms are perhaps the only thing on the web more annoying than <BLINK>. Use them at your own risk and to your own detriment.

Vincent Puglia's picture

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Hi Maverick

While I agree that "forced" anythings are detrimental, I have a script at my site called "RUsure?" that I use for offsite links, and I don't believe it's necessarily a burden on the surfer. In fact, I have hit links at other sites in error and wished someone had asked me to confirm before sending me off to amazon, visa or wherever.
Perhaps pfoad has a valid reason for putting up the survey on exit. As long as the survey itself allows the surfer to skip/cancel/exit without answering anything, I see no reason for not popping the survey. After all, how much time is spent closing a window? And is our time all that precious?

BTW: my site with offsite links hooked to confirms is GrassBlade: cut & paste javascriptSmiling


Where the world once stood
the blades of grass cut me still

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Ohh how I agree my friend! The troubles I have had trying to get out a flipping warez pages has brought me into tears. 25 pop ups and as soon as you try closing one it instantly pops up another two. You eventually end up having an : alt-f4 race against the browser swearing at the jerk who made this page and then either your explorer crashes or you get a full screen page saying: click here to go to the top 50! I usually end up pulling the powersocket out of my pc at this point and having to go outside for a ciggarette to calm my nerves!!!

Ahhh I hate POPUPS!!!!!


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I also hate pop-ups, but a client of mine wants to ask his customers if there was something they were looking for that they couldn't find, or did they find his pricing too high. I'm going to recommend a link to the survey and see if he'll agree to that.

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That's a much better idea pfoad. Anyone in business knows that the two most important opinions your customers form are the first impression on walking in the door (or the first page) and the final contact, like checking out or clicking-away. That's critical. If you leave people with a bad taste in their mouth as their final impression of you or your site, odds are they won't be back. A survey about "were my prices too high" or "did you not find the item you wanted" is very valuable to an ecommerce site. That sort of feedback is a necessary part of growing any business. One aspect to consider is that if you force people to take a survey, they're going to resent it. That skews the results since a pissed-off customer is less likely to answer honestly. With inaccurate results, the whole process is wasted, so you made people angry for nothing. Not a really good idea.

VY22, I agree, that business of opening 2 new pops when a window gets closed is the scourge of the net. Hopefully there's a special place in hell waiting for site designers that do it. They all better hope they don't meet me in a dark alley, that's for sure. I'm not going to comment on your visiting warez sites, I don't approve of it, but I've wasted enough money on garbage software that I don't maintain any sympathy for the people who write the junk. If pop-ups are bugging you, just download a pop-up killer. There are hundreds of freeware pop-up blockers available and they work pretty well.

Now Vincent, you're going to have to explain this to me. My common sense prevents me from understanding. You're forcing people to click twice to leave your site? Once to do it and then again to actually leave? In what space-time continuum does that seem like a good idea? And you're doing it to protect people from mistaken clicks? Huh?

Here's the deal. If I mistake-click I hit the back button. That's two clicks and I'm back where I started. On your site, if I mistake click your ridiculous RUsure script confirms if I want to leave and I click "no". Two clicks and I'm back where I started. But wait. You have that extra "phew, that was close" message that must be clicked to close. So, it takes 3 clicks to be where I started instead of two.

Now, what happens when people DON'T make a mistake. On a normal site, they're on their merry way. On your site, they need to click again just for the privilege of leaving. So, 2 clicks to leave instead of 1.

100% of your visitors are getting forced to make an extra click TO ACCOMPLISH NOTHING!!! Nice design work. Sometimes I think I'd be happier if I just killed off whatever brain cells control my logic functions and my common sense. Then I could just go and play in traffic with everyone else. Ignorance truly is bliss.

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I also despise pop-ups, however, I have one on my site asking my surfers if they want to be notified by e-mail of any updates to the site.

I got around the annoying part by placing a cookie. They only see it once. Unless of course they don't accept cookies or they delete cookies.

http://www.majiklmoon.com" TARGET=_blank>http://www.sawz.com

Jaiem's picture

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Gotta weigh in on this.

From the POV of a customer I wouldn't like to have to see a survey window when I click off a site.

Think of it like this: Suppose you walk into a store, look around, but when you go to leave you're stopped at the door and not allowed to go until you answer some questions.

I understand the need for customer feedback but I think it will PO more people than it will help.

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