passing vars to flash

Abhishek Reddy's picture

He has: 3,348 posts

Joined: Jul 2001


im not sure whether this should go in the graphics design...Confused

basically, i want to pass variable to a flash movie when a button on an html page is clicked. when the movie loads up, it should play a movie clip depending on the variable sent on clicking the button. when other buttons on the page are clicked different variable values are passed, thereby playing a different movie clip. the idea is to make a re-usable movie.

how does one pass an external JS variable to the movie?

TIA Smiling

detox's picture

They have: 571 posts

Joined: Feb 2001

Action scripting is what you are looking for here. you can pass variables etc with that.

ASP can also be utilised with flash.....

go to [URL= ] [/URL] they have a very good tutorial section etc. If not they also have a forum dedicated to flash.

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

There is a section on this in the ActionScript reference (from the Help menu) called "integrating flash with web applicatiions". Try that. You need to use some sort of scripting language such as PHP or ASP to store the variables and then use the loadVariables function in Flash to put them into use. As you can probably tell I'm a little unsure about this but I hope it helps.

Abhishek Reddy's picture

He has: 3,348 posts

Joined: Jul 2001

thanks for ur replies Laughing out loud

i kinda figured i needed actionscript when i set the variables...

anyway, i found what i was looking for here: - just in case someone else needs it...its really hard to find info on that.

thanks again.

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