page redirect
There are codes for making webpages redirect or reload as annother page.
There are also codes that make links open as a new js window that cant be resized with no toolbars.
My question is: Is there a way to combine these two codes so when i click a link to chat.html, it reloads in a new window with out toolbars, and not resizeable?
Megan posted this at 14:45 — 12th August 2007.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
You would just have the javascript pop-up code point to chat.html. It would open the window, then redirect chat.html to the page it was pointing to.
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sitesupport posted this at 21:56 — 12th August 2007.
He has: 190 posts
Joined: Jun 2007
well i cant use the thing because it doesnt work in a .js file.
You know how to link like that from a .js file?
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